Here at Geekabit, we have fallen in love. A love that has lasted at least a good year, and one that gets deeper with every experience.
We’ve fallen in love with Ubiquiti Networks, and their ever-evolving selection of Wi-Fi related goodies, which we use for our client installations and temporary event Wi-Fi work on a weekly basis. And it’s a true love.
For manufacturing, warehousing, education and large residential home projects, we’ve managed to cut down our installation and configuration times, leading to less client down-time and an overall happier experience for our installation team and end user experience.
A few weeks ago, sat in an outside bar/club on the banks of the River Rhine in Berlin, one of our team looked up to the roof, and amongst the twinkling lights, was the familiar blue hue of our new love. We’ve seen them in France, in the most unlikely places across Africa, and even North Yorkshire.
As our business has expanded, working predominantly from London and Cardiff, we’ve seen a huge surge in demand for Ubiquiti devices, and can see this only continuing. There’s a trend throughout almost every market to look for better quality and better prices, people have begun to recognise that good doesn’t always mean expensive.
And as we all know, love, like Wi-Fi needs a good experience. It shouldn’t have to be an expensive one.