1. Satisfaction

The majority of the population have a smart device on them at all times, and most of those will be trying to connect to Wi-Fi. It is a powerful and attractive tool to entice new customers and consumers to your business and bring them back again. As the owner of a Hotspot, you can attract and engage users, encouraging them to come back to your location. If you own a public venue, like a restaurant, bar, cafe, gym (the list goes on) then you could boost your revenue by offering your customers (and potential customers). They could be enticed in by your free Wi-Fi hotspot to send that important work email that just can’t wait, and end up buying a coffee or lunch. Furthermore, if they find your free connection to be reliable and quick, you’ll be top of their list the next time they are in the area and fancy a bite to eat and leisurely scroll through social media.  The more you can attract these potential users in, the more chance you have of that user purchasing your services while enjoying the free Wi-Fi hotspot. Satisfaction for you, satisfaction for them. Win win all round!


2. Advertise your brand

Owning a public Wi-Fi hotspot greatly improves your visibility, especially to new visitors. For public locations such as retail outlets, shops, and malls, public Wi-Fi offers a fantastic opportunity to boost the visibility of their products and services in a really simple way. A user logs on to the Wi-Fi and lands on the authentication page, where you can promote your brand, advertise your services, show off products and offer discounts to people before they’ve even accessed the hotspot.

These landing pages can be easily customised with banners, videos and special offers to incentivise people to visit your business and purchase your products or use your services. Thank you public Wi-Fi!


3. Collect and Analyze User Data

One of the great things about having public Wi-Fi is that it gives you an insight to who is, or could be, visiting your business and spending their money with you. When users authenticate to your hotspot, they will have to provide certain information – Data such as email address, phone number, age, gender, etc. This sort of data gives you the chance to understand your customers and what their needs might be. You can then customise your splash page accordingly, and adjust business strategies to cater for these potential customers.

For areas such as shopping malls, you could be monitoring who the people are that are visiting your shops and thus identify areas that need better coverage or need specifically target areas of major interest.

Tracking customers in this way is an insightful opportunity when it comes to identifying winning sales strategies, with a short turn around time. By collecting the information from customer registrations you can also quickly enlarge your database and generate leads. Quick, easy, and highly effective!


4. Social Visibility Boost

In today’s world, it’s important for any business to have some kind of social media presence. Customers and potential customers are hugely active in this way and so the more socially visible you are the more customers, and potential customers, you are going to reach.

What you’re wanting is people to engage with your business online – Public venues, like hotels, restaurants, cafes, shops etc., can benefit hugely from social Wi-Fi by increasing their social media engagement in a super quick way.

For example, rather than a user having to fill in lots of information on a form, you can make it quick and easy for them to authenticate by allowing Wi-Fi users to access your hotspot through Facebook with just one click. These customers can then like your Facebook page, thus increasing your online visibility, or do a Check-in, which shares their position on their Facebook profiles for all of their friends to see.

Enabling users to connect to your Wi-Fi network using their social media networks like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter give them an easy user experience, and you greater social visibility.


5. Reduce costs

All of the above points – Customer satisfaction, advertising your brand, analyzing user data, boosting social visibility – from just one means, owning a public Wi-Fi hotspot, is a cost-effective opportunity to boost your revenue streams. Growing your database, increasing leads generated, advertising your brand, boosting your marketing in real-time – All ways of saving money and time.


Our Mission here at Geekabit is to help people overcome the challenges of Wi-Fi at work, the daily frustrations their users face and to support people to use Wi-Fi better in their business.
Contact us now to see how we can help you. We have Wi-Fi experts working out of Winchester, London and Cardiff ready to help get you online.
Winchester – Tel. 01962 657 390
London – Tel. 0203 322 2443
Cardiff – Tel. 02920 676712





With thanks to https://www.tanaza.com/blog/5-good-reasons-to-invest-in-public-wi-fi/