Christmas is creeping closer and all the festivities bring thoughts of the year coming to a close and what 2018 has brought us.
It seems customary at this time of year to do some kind of ‘top 10’ so we thought we’d join the party and do a little round up of our top 10 blogs from the year – What got the most hits and what did you readers find the most intriguing in the world of Wi-Fi this past year?
In at number ten, and by no means least interesting, is Alexa and how her simple Wi-Fi set-up could stop you forgetting to lock the door, turn off lights that you always leave on, and generally run your life for you.
Next up is how ‘High-Tech Stickers Turn Anything into Smart Device’. This one got quite a few of you talking, and what’s not to like? Imagine having something as simple as a sticker, and being able to stick it to anything in your home to make it into a smart device, something you can control with the touch of a button through a Wi-Fi connected device? So many exciting possibilities!
Not far ahead was how good old Wi-Fi could help detect weapons and bombs. A relatively and simple and cost effective approach to security, and not surprising that this topic was a popular one in today’s climate.
In at lucky number 7 was ‘7 Wi-Fi Performance Challenges in Hospitals’. Hospitals are one of those places where Wi-Fi is used for a whole host of different things. The importance of reliable wireless connections is paramount to the running of hospital practices but there are challenges that stand in it’s way.
Narrowly missing the top 5, this blog celebrated the efforts of a small Welsh village who went to extreme lengths to improve their Wi-Fi speed. This community pulled together and dug a 15 mile trench so that they could get the super-fast wireless connection they so desperately needed. We love a story like this, and so did you!
Should venues provide free Wi-Fi? Apparently that’s one of the burning questions from this year, and this blog with a dialogue of arguments both for and against was one of our top reads of 2018 making it into the top 5.
Nothing quite like a sex symbol to draw people’s attention and Hedy Lamarr did it again with this one. The co-inventor of Wi-Fi was also a beautiful Hollywood star – Very much the brains and the beauty.
#3 and #2
A huge hit from this year was our series of blogs on Ubiquiti UniFi. In particular Part 1 and Part 2 which focused on how it could help your business and the brains behind the whole thing.
And finally, the time has come; the most popular article we shared in 2018 was the disadvantages of wireless repeaters. And by quite a long way! It seems you know what you like, and what you like is technical information about Wi-Fi and how to get it working to the best of it’s ability in your homes and businesses.
We’ve rather enjoyed taking a look back at what’s made Wi-Fi news this past year – From the likes of sex symbols like Hedy Lamarr, to home systems like Alexa, the top technical stuff like the benefits of Ubiquiti UniFi, how Wi-Fi could help security systems and even the unbreakable community spirit of a small Welsh village who just wanted super-fast internet.
We’re looking forward to what 2019 will bring!