Confusing UK Broadband Terminology Found By ‘4th Utility’ Survey

Internet Service Provider 4th Utility published results of a new survey last month, reporting that among the 2000 respondents there was a major lack of understanding of vital broadband terms amongst consumers. 

4th Utility is an ISP who is currently in the midst of deploying a gigabit speed FTTP (Fibre to the Premises) network to large residential buildings and UK homes. Despite the fact that the term ‘full fibre’ is widely used and that the service is ‘being used by most UK households’, surprisingly their recent ‘Great British Broadband Survey’ found that just 1 in 5 residents actually know what that means. 

What Does ‘Full Fibre’ Broadband Mean?

Just in case you’re one of the 1 in 5 who aren’t sure what full fibre broadband refers to, full fibre broadband means that your home is directly connected to the exchange using fibre optic cables. 

Standard fibre cables are connected to your home via a street cabinet (so fibre cables from the exchange to the street cabinet and then different cables from the street cabinet to your home). This service uses older copper cables to connect to your home, which are an older technology and less reliable than fibre cables.  

28% Have Adopted Full Fibre Network, Ofcom Says

Whilst 4th Utility claims that full fibre is ‘already being used by most households,’ Ofcom says differently. 

Full fibre might be available to most UK households, but not all those who are able to adopt the service have done so. According to Ofcom, only 28% of households able to get a full fibre network have adopted the service. 

Coverage is not the same as take up! 

Is Broadband Baffling?

Despite the slight confusion about full fibre coverage and take up, the fact remains that many consumers are bewildered about broadband terms.

Some respondents said they still weren’t sure what full fibre meant, even after they had had it explained to them. 20% of the 2000 people surveyed said they weren’t sure whether they had the service in their home after having it explained to them, 25% said they didn’t have it and the remaining 45% said they did have full fibre in their home. 

Let’s run through some of the other terms that the respondents found confusing, as well as their meanings.

What is Bandwidth?

Only 9% of the respondents knew what bandwidth means. Network bandwidth is a measurement indicating the maximum capacity of a wired or wireless communications link to transmit data over a network connection. 

Bandwidth specifically refers to the capacity at which a network can transmit data. For example, if the bandwidth of a network is 60 Mbps, it implies that the network cannot transmit data faster than 60 Mbps in any given case.

What does FTTP mean?

FTTP stands for fibre to the premises and is a type of fibre optic broadband. FTTP is supplied by fibre optic cables from your local internet exchange — a physical location where network providers transmit internet data — directly to your business’s premises.

What is meant by ‘Superfast’ broadband?

Superfast broadband is a broad category of speeds, running from 30Mbps to 100Mbps. The faster your broadband speed, the faster you can download files, movies and games.

Superfast speeds usually reach homes via a part-fibre broadband connection, which uses fibre-optic cables up until the local street cabinet, and then copper phone lines for the final leg of the journey to your home.

Some form of superfast broadband is available to 97% of the UK from the majority of internet service providers, and in many cases is actually more affordable than slower, old-fashioned ADSL connections, especially if you happen to be out of contract on an ADSL package.

Some full fibre deals will offer superfast speeds too, but they come with the capability to boost your speed much further – all the way up to 1Gbps.

What is ‘Ultrafast’ internet?

Ultrafast broadband is generally considered any broadband connection that supplies 100Mbps or faster.

The telecoms regulator Ofcom defines ultrafast as “broadband which offers download speeds of at least 300 Mbps”. However, some providers that use the ultrafast broadband term don’t offer those speeds.

Several broadband providers use the term ‘ultrafast broadband’ to refer to their top-end broadband packages. However, providers use different technologies to deliver their broadband services to your home, and as a result the speeds they can offer also differ significantly.

It can sound confusing, but the general rule of thumb is, that if a provider is labelling a package as ultrafast broadband, it’s one of the fastest packages they provide. 

The fastest broadband you can get might not necessarily be the fastest broadband available on the market. It might not even be the fastest broadband your next-door neighbour can get. If you’re not sure what types of broadband are available where you live, you can check to see what the fastest broadband in your area is with the Uswitch postcode checker.

What does Internet of Things mean?

Just 8% of the people surveyed knew what Internet of Things (IoT) meant. The term IoT, or Internet of Things, refers to the collective network of connected devices and the technology that facilitates communication between devices and the cloud, as well as between the devices themselves.

Key Findings of 4th Utility ‘Great British Broadband Survey’

Let’s take a look at some of the more interesting findings from 4th Utility’s recent survey. 

What utility nightmare do Brits fear the most? 

  • 30% feared a boiler breakdown as the biggest utility nightmare
  • 23% were worried about a water leak
  • 13% were concerned about a total blackout causing utility problems
  • 12% of those surveyed considered a broadband outage as a utility nightmare

Slow internet causing household arguments

20% of respondents reported having slow internet at least 3 times per month, and 1 in 3 said it happened twice a month. Over half of those surveyed (51%) said that slow Wi-Fi caused heated arguments in their household, happening to 3 in 10 people a few times a month, or more. 

Over 50% of those surveyed said that they have broadband speed issues, with 14% of those saying it was a weekly occurrence. However, the root cause of those speed issues seemed to be challenging to identify, with 7% of respondents saying they thought that not turning their router off at night was the reason for their problems…

What do UK residents pay for broadband?

Of the 2000 people surveyed, nearly half said they pay over £30 per month for their broadband connection. 1 in 10 people said their broadband bill came to £50 or more per month. The average price for broadband per month was £33.52 for UK households. 

Broadband Bewilderment is Nothing New

Here at Geekabit, we might be experts at all things Wi-Fi and wireless connectivity, but even we can sympathise with people getting confused over all the acronyms and terminology when it comes to broadband. It’s no wonder consumers feel a bit baffled. 

It’s not a new problem, and it doesn’t help that those in charge (regulators and government) seem to like to change the definitions of things fairly often. 

The threshold for ‘superfast’ broadband and download speeds has changed from 24 Mbps to 30 Mbps+ (to match with the EU). And with ‘ultrafast’ speeds on the scene, the speed of ‘superfast’ may be questionable anyways.  

Many in the Wi-Fi industry think of ‘ultrafast’ broadband as being 100 Mbps+, whereas Ofcom defines it as 300 Mbps+, so no wonder consumers feel confused at all the jargon. 

Often the best course of action is to look at what services are available to your premises, and then compare the advertised speeds from different providers. At the end of the day, even if you don’t know all the lingo, all you need to ensure is that you have an internet service that works, at the speeds you have been promised. 

New Ofcom Guidelines to be Introduced Later This Year 

Perhaps most annoyingly, some ISP’s use terms like ‘fibre’ broadband and ‘full fibre’ when it’s not strictly the truth. For example, using the term ‘fibre broadband’ to describe connections like FTTC (Fibre to the Cabinet) when it’s actually slower, hybrid-fibre connections. 

Ofcom’s new guidelines will mean that ISP’s will only be able to use terms like ‘fibre’ and ‘full fibre’ broadband when their network actually brings fibre optic cables all the way to your home (ie. FTTP/B). These new guidelines should help make things clearer for consumers, and will come in later in 2024. 

Jan 2024 – FTTP Broadband Advanced Installs Launching from Openreach 

From the 2nd January 2024, those ordering an Openreach FTTP (Fibre to the Premises) broadband ISP product will be able to get their new ‘Advanced Connection’ service.

This service will be leaving its pilot phase and launching fully on the 2nd January, providing an option for situations where installation is a bit more complex than usual.  

Although this has already been implemented on other broadband products, this ‘Advanced Connection’ option from this operator is quite a recent addition. 

This ‘Advanced Connection’ on FTTP lines has been piloted by Openreach since July last year, and is now ready to launch at the beginning of January to the wider public. 

How much does an Openreach installation cost?

Did you know that an Openreach installation costs from £114.78+VAT? There are a couple of options available when installing a FTTP broadband connection..

Standard Openreach Installation

On a consumer broadband line, the Standard FTTP Openreach installation will generally cost a one-off price of £114.78+VAT*. 

This only covers the basics.  

Premium Openreach Installation

For more choice, the Premium Openreach installation gives consumers more options when it comes to the connectivity inside their home or premises. 

Things like: 

  • Router repositioning
  • Wi-Fi analysis
  • More extensive testing

These options help to optimise the connectivity. 

This Premium option costs £154.78+VAT*.

What if it’s a difficult Openreach install?

The new ‘Advanced Connection’ installation provides an option for more complicated setups where a standard Openreach install isn’t an option for that property. 

The cost of the new ‘Advanced Connection’ will cost ISP’s £289.78. As this is quite a significant cost, this is likely to be passed onto the customer. 

This new option for more complicated Openreach installations is most likely to be useful for businesses and public sector users. The cost for these types of premises have a much higher connection charge. 

Some homes that are particularly tricky may also benefit from this new ‘Advanced Connection’ option. 

ISP Charges

As Wi-Fi engineers ourselves, we think it’s useful to know what the charges are to the actual ISP, so that consumers can better understand the costs that they then are quoted for Wi-Fi work. 

Especially when it comes to an Openreach difficult install or people wanting to move their BT master socket. 

* The price charged by ISP’s may vary to those quoted, as there are often discounts and other considerations. Some ISP’s offer the standard installation option free of charge. 

What Are The Capabilities of the ‘Advanced Connection’ Openreach Installation? 

Available from the 2nd January 2024, this new ‘Advanced Connection’ option from Openreach will offer wider capabilities compared to the Standard and Premium installations. 

‘Advanced Connection’ Openreach connection benefits:

  • From where the Openreach network connects to the premises, up to 100 metres of internal wiring is offered
  • The option for more complex cabling for example, through multiple walls, or new cable trunking
  • Utilising existing horizontal or vertical cable trays 
  • Ability to go through ceiling or floor tiles (that are accessible and removable)
  • Utilising in-situ structured cabling to provide the service
  • The option to connect to existing structured cabling in the building, with a preference for NTE (Network Termination Equipment) or ONT (Optical Network Terminal) install location, for example in the comms room
  • Where installs require more than the 100m of internal wiring that is included, an installation with Excess Construction Charges can be applied to pay for the additional work required
Fixed Broadband Speeds: Europe vs UK 

Opensignal, the leading global provider of independent insight and data into network experience and market performance, have recently released a new study looking at fixed broadband speeds across Europe (28 countries).

The data published in this research finds that the UK has placed quite poorly when judged against its peers. For downloads, the UK is around the middle of the table, but closer to the bottom for uploads. 

How do they collect the data?

The results collected are based on crowdsourced data (data collected from a large number of sources direct from customers), in this case from consumer speedtests. 

For this reason, they don’t necessarily paint an accurate picture of network capability or availability. However, as the data has been collected in the same way across all the countries looked at, the results can offer some insights into the speed of fixed broadband across Europe. 

The data set in this study was collected between the 1st April and 27th September 2023. 

How does the UK compare to Europe when it comes to fixed broadband speed? 

Download Speeds

Coming out on top with the best broadband speeds from the data collected, both France and Spain scored a median average download speed of 121 Mbps and 114.4 Mbps respectively. 

The UK sits in the middle of the table with a download speed of 66.1 Mbps.

Coming slowest was Greece with a slow download speed of 36.5 Mbps. 

Upload Speeds

Spain again topped the table for upload speeds with an average of 91.4 Mbps. They were closely followed by France with an average upload speed of 88.5 Mbps. 

UK were found towards the bottom of the table with an average upload speed of just 20.6 Mbps. 

Again right at the bottom of the table was Greece, with an average upload speed of 7.3 Mbps. 


With thanks to Opensignal for the imagery.

Why are UK download speeds slower than almost half of Europe? 

When looking at the results found, we need to consider that much of Europe is already using full fibre FTTP coverage. The UK is behind these European countries, which goes some way to explaining the results of this data set. 

Don’t fret though – There is good news! The UK are on the path to rapidly catching up with their European peers, but these things take time. 

Although Opensignal is one of the better organisations for collecting and analysing this type of data, remember that performance testing of this nature doesn’t always tell the entire story.

Average UK Broadband ISP Speeds Hit 69.4Mbps, Ofcom 2023 Study Finds

This month, Ofcom published their last report into ISP performance in terms of UK fixed line broadband. This report revealed that the average download speed has risen from 59.4Mbps (last year) to 69.4Mbps now. Upload speeds also increased from last year’s 10.7Mbps to 18.4Mbps now. 

However, there is unfortunately still a gap between broadband speeds in urban and rural areas. 

Ofcom 2023 Study on UK Broadband ISP Speeds

Study data was collected during March of this year using custom routers and ISP supplied routers installed inside customer’s homes. It’s a highly accurate method of data collection, and gathers information at router level during idle periods of usage. For these reasons, it stops the influence of slow Wi-Fi and local network congestion. 

It’s worth noting that this research focused on the larger ISP’s, restricted by the small sample size. Also, don’t forget that speed test results don’t automatically equal network availability! 

For example, currently:

  • Fixed line ‘superfast broadband’ (30Mbps +) are available to almost 98% of the UK
  • ‘Gigabit capable’ networks (1000 Mbps +) cover over 76% (using both full fibre FTTP and Hybrid Fibre Coax lines) or 56% with just FTTP.

Let’s not forget about ADSL

ADSL is still used by up to 3 million lines. Although this is mostly in areas where there are few other alternatives, FTTC still remains very popular (15.6 million active lines) in locations where there are gigabit-capable connections available. 

In reports like this one from Ofcom, speed testing figures can be dragged down by customers still using slower copper-based ADSL2+ and FTTC lines (up to 20-24 Mbps and 40-80 Mbps respectively). 

Whilst the take up of faster connections is increasing, there are some customers who will be reluctant to to upgrading. This could be due to:

  • Cost of upgrades to a faster connection (faster services are quite often more expensive)
  • Not knowing that there are alternatives available
  • Fees for exiting a contract
  • A fear of switching

What are the UK Median Download and Upload Speeds?

In 2023, the average download speed was 69.4Mbps and upload speed was 18.4Mbps.

The report from Ofcom shared data on real-world average speeds for different types of connection:

  • ADSL2+ – Average download speeds during peak times as well as across 24 hours ranged from 11.2 to 1.7 Mbps. 
  • FTTP – Average download speeds during peak times as well as across 24 hours ranged from 34.7 to 66.8 Mbps. 
  • Cable – Average download speeds during peak times as well as across 24 hours ranged from 134.5 to 1,137.1 Mbps. 
  • Full Fibre – Average download speeds during peak times as well as across 24 hours ranged from 74.8 to 919.8 Mbps. 

Remember that performance can be affected by a number of things. Connections that use copper wire (FTTC,, ADSL) suffer with signal loss over distance. Results can also be affected by things like:

  • Network congestion
  • Traffic management
  • Service Faults
  • Poor home wiring

FTTP May Not Actually Be Slower Than Cable

Although the figures from Ofcom’s report seem to suggest otherwise, Cable might not actually be faster than FTTP. 

Firstly, the ‘fixed superfast product take up’ reflects the percentage of UK customers that have chosen a package with download speeds of 30 Mbps or more. 

Gigabit ‘cable’ download speeds may look like they are higher than FTTP, but that could be down to the provider (Virgin) setting its profile speeds as faster than their advertised rates. 

Therefore, FTTP is not necessarily a slower technology than cable. 

Rural Connections Still Falling Short

Unfortunately some rural areas and even digitally disadvantaged urban areas are yet to be reached by ‘superfast’ connections. 

Sadly it is harder to make an economic case for the investment in remote rural areas, meaning that the commercial roll-out of gigabit-capable networks has been rapid in urban areas and at a much faster pace than rural areas. 

There is still a big gap between performance in urban and rural areas. This could be reflective of the influx of commercial FTTP builds within cities and towns. 

In Ofcom’s report, the data on this was limited as it only looks at the two most common rural broadband technologies. These are FTTC and ADSL. Unfortunately, copper ADSL lines in rural areas tend to be much longer than ones in urban areas, making them less reliable and more prone to signal attenuation. 

When looking at the peak times of between 8pm and 10pm, the report from Ofcom presented a difference of 26% between the average download speed in urban and rural areas (70.3 and 56 Mbps respectively). It’s worth noting that the average download speed has increased from last year for both rural and urban areas. In March 2022, there was a 585 difference between speeds, so perhaps the gap is slowly closing. 

Could the Universal Service Obligation Help Rural Wi-Fi?

The Universal Service Obligation (USO) sets a minimum download speed of at least 10 Mbps. Anyone who is not getting this could consider using the USO to improve their connection. This doesn’t happen automatically unfortunately – It needs to be requested. 

Interestingly, provider BT/EE are using 4G devices to help tackle anyone not achieving speeds in line with the USO. Whilst it can be transformative for some connections, it doesn’t work for everyone so an alternative may be needed. 

One possible option would be FTTP, however this is often too expensive to deploy under the USO and still won’t solve the issue in that last 1% of premises. 

How Will Project Gigabit Help Rural Areas?

Project Gigabit is a £5 billion project from the government, ensuring that ‘gigabit-capable’ broadband services (1 Gbps +) reach at least 85% of UK premises by the end of 2025. The aim is to have nationwide (99%) coverage by 2030. 

Much of this funding is being used on that final 20% of premises in hard to reach rural and semi-rural areas. Great news, but it will take time to deliver and see the benefits. 

How Can You Resolve Broadband Speed Problems?

Unfortunately, sometimes broadband speeds do fall below the initial estimates for your line. But did you know that Ofcom’s Voluntary Code of Practice for Broadband Speeds can help you to resolve any problems with internet speeds that arise and are not in line with the estimates a member ISP provides on connection performance during the order process. 

Which ISP’s are Ofcom members of the Voluntary Code of Practice for Broadband Speeds? 

  • BT
  • EE
  • Plusnet
  • NOW TV / NOW Broadband
  • Talk Talk
  • Utility Warehouse
  • Sky Broadband
  • Zen Internet

When you are in the ‘sign up’ stage, you can use the code to obtain more information on connection speeds. If these then fall below what was guaranteed and expected, it can help you to exit that contract if things don’t improve. ISP’s are allowed one month to resolve the issues, and if at that stage there is still a problem then the customer can walk away from the contract with no penalties. This ‘right to exit’ can also apply to phone and TV bundles that were purchased along with the broadband.  

You’ll have noticed that only the larger ISP’s are members (apart from Vodafone which is noticeably absent!). Many of the smaller ISP’s don’t sign up due to the costs involved with adapting to Ofcom’s code being too high. 

If you want to read more and see the data in full, you can find the full Ofcom Report for 2023 here

52% of UK Covered by Full Fibre Broadband, Ofcom Summer Study Reveals

With what is likely to be the last of the hot weather for this year, Ofcom have shared the results of their summer 2023 study looking at UK fixed broadband and mobile coverage.

The study reports that Full Fibre FTTP access in the UK has risen by 4% from January 2023 to 52% coverage. 

It has also found that 75% are now within reach of a gigabit-capable network, which is an increase of 2%. 

In addition to this, 76-85% of premises can now get an outdoor 5G connection from at least one operator (an increase from 73-82%). 

Ofcom Summer 2023 Report

This latest report from the communications regulator features data collected between May 2022 and May 2023, including that of their Spring Connected Nation’s update back in January 2023. 

This most recent report is based upon the coverage and service availability information from both fixed line UK Internet Service Providers and Mobile Network Operators. 

Overall, the UK’s coverage of fixed “superfast broadband” (30Mbps+) remains unchanged at 97%, while 15.4 million homes (52%) can now order a Fibre-to-the-Premises (FTTP) service via various networks (up from 48%).

Key Figures from Ofcom Summer 2023 Report


75% of the UK (that’s 22.4 million homes) can now access Gigabit-capable (1Gbps+) services (up from 73% or 21.9m). 

This figure is higher than that for FTTP due to the majority of the gigabit connectivity coming from Virgin Media’s upgrade to their existing HFC network. In dense urban areas, there is a lot of overbuild between HFC and FTTP. 

What about the last 20% in the hardest to reach areas? The UK Government’s £5 billion Project Gigabit programme aims to improve the above figure so that gigabit coverage is extended to at least 85% of UK premises by the end of 2025 (and 99% nationwide by 2030). 

Premises Still Without ‘Decent’ Broadband 

‘Decent’ broadband is based on a download speed of at least 10Mbps and 1Mbps upload. The number of premises that cannot access this is currently 428,000 which is 1.3% of the UK. 

However, if you include wireless connections via 4G, 5G and Fixed Wireless Access, this number drops down to 62,000. 

4G Mobile Networks

Geographic coverage of 4G wireless services across mobile network operators (EE, Three, O2, Vodafone) has remained about the same, with a range of 80 to 87%. 

Although it’s a slow process, these figures will be improved upon by the Shared Rural Network agreement – A £1 billion project to change things for rural users. 

5G Coverage

There’s still a way to go when it comes to 5G coverage in the UK. The Ofcom Summer 2023 report shares that 76-85% of UK premises can now get outdoor coverage from at least one operator, however when looking at outdoor coverage by all operators put together it drops to 12-22%. 

Voice and Text Coverage

Full Ofcom Summer 2023 Report

We’ve included a few summaries for your perusal but for more detailed information with all the facts and figures you could ask for, download the PDF of the Summer 2023 Update on Connected Nations via the Ofcom website here

Which is best for my business – FTTP or a Leased Line?


Let’s face it – These days, business flow depends on connectivity. 


With remote working now more prevalent than ever before, there is a significant business need for straightforward online collaboration. Not to mention business critical operations and organisational efficiency. 


For a successful business, you need a reliable, strong connection that doesn’t buffer or drop out during vital video calls and digital team meetings. 


What’s the point in having top of the range tech and dedicated employees if you don’t have the broadband speed to keep up with their communications or computers?


There is nothing less motivating than slow internet – Lagging video, audio that’s out of sync, calls that drop out, pages that load slowly. It makes us feel frustrated just thinking about it! 


And whilst it might not sound like much – That 30 seconds of delay here and there throughout the day could actually add up to a lot of lost productivity across an organisation in just one week. 


So what’s the solution? For any small business, it’s really down to two options – FTTP (Fibre to the Premises) or a leased line. But which one is best for your business?


What is FTTP and how does it work?


As we said above, FTTP is Fibre to the Premises. It means an internet connection that is designed for small businesses and consumer use.  


FTTP works by sending data over a fibre optic cable from the exchange to the user’s premises. FTTP relies on already existing broadband infrastructure, which means that users share the bandwidth. This could lead to slower connection speeds and unreliability during peak times. 


An FTTP service is asymmetrical, meaning that the upload and download speeds are not the same. 


What is a leased line and how does it work?


A leased line, or fibre leased line, is a dedicated fibre optic service. It has a fixed bandwidth and is provided directly to the premises. Unlike FTTP, a leased line connects directly to the public internet. This means there is no shared infrastructure – thus the data’s journey is very different. 


Due to leased lines being dedicated, it won’t be affected at peak times because the bandwidth is reserved exclusively for that user. A leased line also uploads data at the same time as it downloads – Useful for sending large files or if you use VoIP telephones throughout the business. 


How do FTTP and Leased Line compare? 


Let’s take a look at how FTTP and Leased Line compare to each other in terms of use and functionality. Depending on how these fit with your business, you should hopefully be able to identify which would work better for you and your business operations. 


Speed and Bandwidth for FTTP vs Leased Line


Using an FTTp service, your highest download speed will be in the range of 300mbps and 1Gbps. Remember, in this scenario you share the infrastructure with other users, which means that during busy periods your bandwidth is likely to be compromised. Generally speaking you are looking at about 32 customers on an FTTP service. 


On a Leased Line, all of the bandwidth is there for you to use. The connection speeds on a Leased Line could be up to 10Gbps, with the same upload and download speeds. This is particularly useful for high-demand users, who could struggle on an asymmetrical FTTP. 


Traffic on a FTTP vs Leased Line

FTTP services can have a monthly data transfer quote which means it would be important for you to stay on top of your data usage. 


A leased line has availability 24/7 all year round, which means you have unlimited data transfers. 


Price of FTTP vs Leased Line

There is a significant difference in price when it comes to FTTP and Leased Line. 


The cheaper option is FTTP. This is because it’s a shared service, and more specifically aimed at residential properties and small businesses. You would likely be looking between £30 and £60 per month, which of course depends on the provider and the speed of the broadband you choose. For a new FTTP installation, it would take about 10-15 days. 


For Leased Lines, you would be looking at a cost of about £150 per month for lower bandwidths. Not only is it up to 5 times the cost of some FTTP, you may also incur additional charges (construction charges) which can push the price up more. Installation wise you would be looking at about 60-90 days to get things set up. 


Service Level Agreements for FTTP vs Leased Lines 


Whichever service you go for, you will have an SLA. The SLA for a Leased Line will be more thorough – For example, any fault on the line that needs fixing will be repaired within 5 hours. In comparison, a fault on FTTP could take 2 days to fix. 


An SLA will also lay out the speed of a Leased Line, which you can then be compensated for if it is consistently slower. This isn’t something you can do with FTTP. 


A Leased Line also comes with 24/7 support, whereas support for a FTTP line will be within business hours. 


Reliability of FTTP vs Leased Lines


As we mentioned above, when using an FTTP line, you could notice an adverse chane in connection during peak times. Leased Lines will never experience this problem (unless there is a fault) so you are less likely to have the connection drop out. This means that a Leased Line is the more reliable connection of the two. 




Leased Lines are available throughout the UK, but of course their accessibility depends on whether you can afford the cost. 


Whilst FTTP is a cheaper option, it is only available to approximately 94% of the UK.




Contract options for these lines are as follows:

  • FTTP – 12 months, 18 months or 24 months, 
  • Leased Line – 12 months, 36 months, or 60 months 


It’s worth noting that if you choose a 12 month Leased Line contract, you’ll be paying more each month to spread the installation cost. 


So Which One is Best – Leased Line or FTTP?


If you own a small business, run a charity or are a residential consumer, then FTTP will likely meet your needs. 


Generally speaking, if you are one of these types of consumer then you won’t be needing service 24/7 all year round. You are also less likely to be transferring huge amounts of data too. And it’s the cheaper option! 


For larger businesses and organisations that rely more on a reliable connection, then a dedicated Leased Line service with a thorough SLA could be the better choice. You will then have peace of mind that your broadband is sturdy, and should something go wrong with it you’re backed up by a speedy resolution. Keeping disruption to your organisation to a minimum! 


Get In Touch


If you are feeling unsure about what could be the best internet service for your business and would like to discuss your connectivity needs, then get in touch with one of our Wi-Fi Experts today. We operate out of Hampshire, London and Cardiff and can help you to make sure that your connectivity meets your business or residential needs – Both in terms of connection but cost too.