Broadband Top of Wish List for House Buyers 

In a recent survey carried out on house buyers, it was revealed that 20% would not buy a property if it had slow internet speeds. 

Likewise, a house having super-fast internet is often a deal-breaker when it comes to house hunting with many prospective buyers viewing the Wi-Fi connection more important than the number of bedrooms. 

Whilst the size of a property is still the most important thing to most house buyers, for many house hunters that is the only thing that the quality and speed of the internet comes second best to. And, according to estate agents in Scotland and the Southwest, some prospective house buyers value the availability of high-quality broadband above everything else. Even house size. 

Nearly a third of estate agents surveyed said their clients were least likely to compromise on high-quality broadband. This feature was deemed more important than local amenities or above space! 

According to Ofcom, by the end of 2021 full-fibre broadband was available to 8.2 million homes (28%). This was 3 million more premises (10 percentage points) than a year ago, and represents the highest year-on-year increase since full fibre started being rolled out in the UK.

Does availability of Wi-Fi affect house prices? 

The rollout of this internet upgrade seems to be affecting the price of property. When comparing exactly the same house but one with a broadband connection of 300 Mbps and one without, the one without broadband would be worth around £5K less. 

Unsurprisingly, COVID also seems to have had an effect on this. Suddenly the UK population was plunged into home-working, with so many more households relying on a strong, reliable Wi-Fi connection for work and home-learning. 

Nearly three quarters of agents surveyed said they saw an increase in questions specifically regarding the quality and speed of the broadband connection when considering a property since the pandemic. 

SpeedScore from Geekabit Wi-Fi Experts

With a decade of providing connectivity solutions to UK markets, Geekabit saw how house buyers, tenants and hospitality customers are getting more tech savvy and starting to ask questions about internet speeds and reliability.

Thus, back in October last year, we launched our innovative Internet Connectivity Measurement Platform – Geekabit SpeedScore. 

This gives you a variety of tools to help provide an independent certification of your internet speeds and connectivity. Ideal if you’re an estate agent trying to prove the speed and connectivity of a property’s internet! 

You can read more about SpeedScore here

Average Internet Speeds Double in 4 Years for Home Networks  

Recently released figures show that home broadband has evolved rapidly over the last 4 years. Between 2018 and 2021 home networking speeds increased by 108%, with the number of connected devices within the home also jumping 137% between 2015 and 2021. 

What devices consume the most data per month within the home? 

With the increase in the number of connected devices in our homes increasing so much over the past few years, let’s take a look at which ones consume the most data. 

Whilst at home, the device that consumes the most data is our Smartphones at 96.3 GB per month. Next were Streaming TV’s and Set-top boxes (like Apple TV or Fire) at 78.3 GB and 63.3 GB per month respectively. Games consoles and laptops were also in the top 5, consuming 35.7 GB and 30.3 GB per month. 

Growth of Home Networks

The figures released indicated that there was an increase in traffic as well as the number of connected devices. A span of 35 million homes saw connections of 1.3 billion Wi-Fi devices.

The speed of home broadband has also increased from an average of 152 Mbps to 317 Mbps – That’s an increase of 108% between 2018 and the end of last year. 

IoT devices has more than tripled alongside the doubling of the number of overall connected devices. Between 2015 and 2021, these devices increased by 137%. 

Unsurprisingly, it’s smartphones that consume the most data within our homes, followed by streaming TV’s and set-top boxes.  

Faster, Smarter Home Networks

Everything in the Wi-Fi industry moves fast. Only last week we were talking about Wi-Fi 7, and we’ve barely got our hands on Wi-Fi 6 yet! 

There’s been rapid growth in Smart Home devices, which makes the increase in connected devices unsurprising. Manufacturers are always looking to make their devices faster and smarter in the way that they work. 

Consumers are expecting a home network that serves their need for immediate, secure and reliable connectivity – with the devices to match.  

How Much Does It Cost to Have Ethernet Cables Installed in my Home Office?

Are you a regular remote worker working from the comfort of your own home, relying on your Wi-Fi connection for Zoom meetings and video conferencing? Or do you mostly use your home internet for a Netflix binge to unwind after a long day? 

Either way, having your connection buffer is not what you need – Whether it’s that all-important Zoom call or half way through the last epic episode of Stranger Things. 

You need a fast, reliable connection. If this is something you are struggling with in your home office then installing Ethernet cables could help. 

Our Wi-Fi experts can design a network to suit your home and requirements and implement it, giving you the strongest, most reliable Wi-Fi connection possible for your house. 

Why can home networks struggle with Wi-Fi connections?

Where home networks tend to struggle is when the wireless connection doesn’t reach every part of the house. Not great if your home office happens to be in one of those black spots! Homes that are particularly large tend to struggle the most. 

If your router is downstairs, most commonly next to the telephone or television, then it might struggle to reach your home office if it’s a floor or two up or out in the garden. The noise of family life might not reach you – But neither will your internet connection! That distance could be slowing you down. 

It’s not just larger homes that struggle. Even some smaller houses can get Wi-Fi blackspots, particularly if they use modern foil insulation. 

What can you do about slow internet at home?

The frustratingly slow internet connections you get from Wi-Fi black spots at home can fortunately be combated with Ethernet cables. 

All we hear about when it comes to Wi-Fi is wireless, wireless, wireless. Everything nowadays seems to be wireless! But in situations where you need to stream lots of videos, transfer data or utilise video conferencing, there could be a better way.

Hang on a minute, what is this blasphemy against wireless? Well, Ethernet cables. If your Wi-Fi is struggling to reach your home office, and you’re relying on it for video calls and data transfers then Ethernet cables are going to be your friend. 

If you’re wondering whether or not you should opt for Ethernet cables over wireless then you might find this previous blog of ours a helpful read.   

With the current heatwave we’re experiencing in Hampshire, London and all across the South East of England currently then we wouldn’t blame you for trying to soak up some sunshine whilst working! If you are wanting a reliable internet connection in your outdoor home office or out in the garden for working from home, then running an Ethernet cable would be our first suggestion. 

There are different types of Ethernet cables – Cat5, Cat5e, Cat6 and Cat7. You can read more about the types of Ethernet cables in our previous blog here as well as a comparison between Cat6 and Cat 7 here. The main things to know are:

  • Cat5: A bit older and slower
  • Cat5e: Faster and with less interference
  • Cat6: Even faster, but not always completely necessary
  • Cat7: Faster again with higher frequency and bandwidth

The blogs linked above go into more detail and how to choose the best one for your needs. Or you could just leave it to the Wi-Fi experts, couldn’t you?

How much will it cost to install Ethernet cables in my home office?

Every home is different, so the requirements to ensure a strong internet connection will vary slightly house to house. 

When it comes to a home network there are various things to consider that will affect the network design and total cost:

  • Whether the network is wireless or wired
  • Cable installation
  • Access to the internet
  • Configuration
  • Hardware installation
  • Software installation 

Once all of this is installed and configured, you should find that your connection is faster and more reliable – No more buffering mid Zoom conversation!

Price wise you are likely looking at between approximately £200 and £500. The lower end of the price range would be for installing an extra Ethernet port in an internal home office, with the higher price point for cabling from the home to an outside home office. 

Of course, as we said above, the price will depend on individual requirements as well as the size of your home and easy it would be to wire. 

At the end of the day, installing Ethernet cables for your home office will likely improve how reliable your internet connection is. And if slow internet is causing you daily frustration then resolving the issue with the cost of installing Ethernet cables will be so worth it, won’t it?

Get in touch with our Wi-Fi Experts

If you are wondering whether Ethernet cables could help solve your Wi-Fi woes and get reliable internet into your home office then do get in touch with our Wi-Fi experts here at Geekabit. We can help advise what would work best for you and get a network designed and installed for your individual needs. You get in touch on 0203 322 2443 (London), 01962 657 390 (Hampshire) or 02920 676712 (Cardiff).

Wi-Fi 7 – World’s First Router Released

It feels like we’ve only recently been talking about Wi-Fi 6 being new on the internet scene, when up pops Wi-Fi 7! But actually, you might not know that the Wi-Fi 7 chipset infrastructure has actually already been available for a few months. 

Not only that, but last month we also saw the release of the world’s first Wi-Fi 7 router. Powered by Qualcomm, this router is the H3C Magic BE18000 Tri-band Wi-Fi 7 router. 

There’s not a great deal of information available yet as it’s so new, but look out for more from the China-based network technology vendor H3C for more announcements. 

This new Wi-Fi 7 router can purportedly deliver 18.443 Gbps peak data rate (which explains the BE 18000 in the name..) on 3 bands. 

What features will this new Wi-Fi 7 router support?

Due to it being powered by Qualcomm’s Networking Pro 1220 platform, the H3C Wi-Fi 7 router can support all the Wi-Fi 7 features you would expect it to, including:

  • 320 MHz channels
  • 4kQAM modulation
  • MLO

As the unit is tri-band, it is configured for 4×4 MU-MIMO on each of the 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz, and 6 GHz bands.

When will we see Wi-Fi 7 devices available on the market?

During May, Qualcomm as well as another 2 major chipset vendors introduced their offering of Wi-Fi 7 chipsets for both the device side and network side. 

As the prevalence of Wi-Fi 7 platforms increases, we’re likely to then start seeing Wi-Fi 7 devices appear on the market. We could be seeing Wi-Fi 7 enabled phones and laptops as early as the end of this year or early next year! 

We wouldn’t be surprised if the most influential technology event in the world, CES, will see the launch of the first Wi-Fi 7 device in 2023. 

Is Wi-Fi 7 certified by the Wi-Fi Alliance?

Before we get too carried away with all things Wi-Fi 7, it’s important to note that there is not currently any Wi-Fi 7 certification from the Wi-Fi Alliance. This means that even though the H3C Wi-Fi 7 router has been revealed, it cannot yet be certified as Wi-Fi 7. 

So technically, it’s more accurate for us to say that the H3C Wi-Fi 7 router has been designed in line with the standard IEEE 802.11be. 

But being the Wi-Fi geeks that we are – We are still pretty excited at the prospect of Wi-Fi 7 and a router that likely meets the upcoming features and specifications. 

Watch this space! 

Image from

How Can I Accurately Check My Mobile Signal Strength? 

Did you know that there is much more to mobile signal strength than just the signal bar display? The real test for measuring your mobile signal strength accurately is the Field Test Mode. The results from this test can help you determine whether you might need a mobile signal booster. 

There are many factors that can affect your mobile signal strength, for example, whether you are inside or outside a building, how far you are from the cell tower etc. So let’s look at the Field Test Mode and how to use it. 

Signal Strength: How To Choose a Mobile Signal Booster

You can’t choose a mobile signal booster for your home or business if you don’t know how strong the outside signal is. And we don’t just mean ‘how many bars you’ve got.’ Yes, that gives some indication of how strong the signal is, but there is a more accurate way to measure mobile signal strength. 

Did you know that different phones have different numbers of bars? Some have 5, some have 4, some even have 8! Not only this, but even when phones have the same number of bars for signal strength, there isn’t actually any standardisation for them. Having 4 bars of signal on one phone can mean something different to having 4 bars on another phone. 

It’s pretty clear that measuring mobile signal strength purely by the number of bars isn’t very specific.

When experts measure mobile signal strength, they measure it in decibels. They are very precise and are much more informative and accurate for doing a mobile signal strength test. Testing in this way means you can find out just how strong the signal is that you are receiving. 

What Is Field Test Mode? 

You may not realise that the majority of phones have Field Test Mode – A built-in setting that can show you very useful information about your phone. This includes the signal strength, measured in decibels. 

We can imagine that you’ve already tried to find this on your phone right this second to check it out! We don’t blame you. But let’s just go through a couple of things to consider before you start taking mobile signal strength readings.

  • Carrier – Remember that the signal strength readings you take are only true for the mobile carrier of said phone. To compare the signal strength to other carriers, you would need phones on those carriers. Basically, even if you get 4 different service providers, you can only test the signal strength of the carrier of your phone when in Field Test Mode. 
  • Network – You need to know if the signal you are measuring is from an LTE network or not in order to interpret the results. LTE readings can be read differently from previous generation networks (like 2G, 3G and 4G0. 

How do you use Field Test Mode on an iPhone?

If you have an iPhone, you’ll find that it has a hidden built-in Field Test Mode app. Follow these steps to access it:

  1. Go to Settings > Wi-Fi and turn Wi-Fi Off.
    You will need the Wi-Fi to be turned off in order to be able to see the network you are connected to (e.g. 3G). 
  2. For iOS 9.3 and above: Go into Settings > Cellular > Cellular Data Options > Enable LTE and turn LTE to Off.
    For iOS 9.2 and below: Go into Settings > Cellular > Enable LTE and turn LTE to Off.
    As we said above, LTE readings can be very different from previous networks. In order to be able to best interpret the results, it’s ideal to get your signal readings from a previous generation network.
    If you like, you could then repeat the site survey with LTE enabled, which would give you readings for different generation networks. 
  3. To launch the Field Test Mode app, go to your Phone Keypad, dial *3001#12345#* and press the Call button. You’ll notice that where before you had signal bars, you now have a negative number. This negative number is the decibel signal strength reading. You should also see the carrier name and the type of network.  
  4. Tap on LTE
  5. Tap on “Serving Cell Meas”
  6. Look for “rsrp0” and the number corresponding will be the numerical measurement of the iPhone cellular signal strength in dBm

To start taking signal strength readings, you need to move to the location where you want to take the reading and then wait for between 30 and 60 seconds for the signal strength readings to catch up. You can record the signal strength, network type and carrier. 

Once you’ve finished taking readings, you can return to your normal iPhone settings by pressing the home button. Don’t forget to go back in and enable Wi-Fi and Cellular LTE! 

How do you use Field Test Mode on an Android?

To access Field Test Mode on an Android follow these simple steps:

  • Go to Settings > “About Phone”
  • Depending on the model of your phone, look for ‘Network’ or ‘Status’ to see your numerical signal strength in decibel 
  • You can usually see Network Type near the signal strength option. 

If you’re after a bit more information, there are apps you can download from Google Pay that will give you the signal strength in decibels as well as other info. To see the available apps search for ‘cell signal’ in the App Store. DOwnload whichever one is compatible with your phone, tablet or device. 

Just like with an iPhone, get ready to take signal readings by moving to the location you want to know the signal strength for. Stop and wait for between 30 and 60 seconds to let the signal readings catch up with you and then you can record them along with the network type (2G, 3G, 4G, LTE etc). 

Keep doing this until you have recorded the signal strength for all the locations in your home or business. 

What would I use mobile signal strength information for? 

Knowing the mobile signal strength for your living or working space enables you to see where you might need to boost the signal. Using Field Test Mode can enable you to perform a site survey, which gives you a floor plan analysis of your home or business.

The purchase of mobile signal boosters (also known as network repeaters, signal amplifiers, signal repeaters etc) should be based on the results of a site survey. 

Carrying out a site survey involves taking several accurate signal strength readings from in and around your home or office building. These readings can help you to calculate whether a signal booster will help and what devices you will need. 

Field Test Mode is ideal for carrying out a site survey. Basing it on signal bars is not reliable compared to the precise numerical value of decibel you get from this tool. Carrying out a site survey using Field Test Mode is very straightforward (as you will have seen from the steps above) and helps you to measure the mobile signal strength of your home or business using just your phone. 

What do the Decibel numbers mean? 

If you are connected to a non-LTE network (2G, 3G, 4G H+), the value you get is the Received SIgnal Strength Indicator (RSSI). This is a method of measuring wireless signals. 

LTE networks however, are usually measured in Reference SIgnal Received Power (RSRP) which is why LTE readings can be very different to the readings for previous generations like above. 

You’ll find that Decibel signal strengths are usually double or triple digits and are marked as a negative number. Your phone might not show the negative sign though. The stronger the signal, the closer the number is to zero, so -89 is a stronger signal that -99. 

The unit of measurement in all this is decibel (dB) – This measures the power of the mobile signal. This value is telling you how strong your phone is receiving the signal from your provider’s mobile network. 

Did you know that the Decibel scale is not linear? If the signal strength increases by 3dB, then it is twice as strong. Signal strength that increases by 10 dB is an increase of ten times the signal strength. So, in real terms, an RSSI value of -50 is actually ten times stronger than an RSSI measurement of -60. 

Why is Field Test Mode so Important?

If you are planning to install a mobile phone signal booster, then it’s absolutely vital that you have an accurate reading of your Received Signal Strength across your business or home. Field Test Mode can help you do just this and inform your site survey ready to help you make the right booster purchase. 

Field Test Mode enables you to see exactly how strong your mobile signal strength is – Both inside and outside your building. 

Field Test Mode is an essential tool when it comes to assessing how a mobile signal booster can improve your reception.

Call the Experts

If all this has got your head in a bit of a spin, then why not let the experts do it for you? Our Wi-Fi Experts are trained professionals in all things wireless. We can provide you with a site survey to help assess your mobile signal strength. Give us a call today

4G LTE Antenna – What Do I Need to Consider? 

If you are using a 4G LTE broadband connection, or plan to, then you’ll need to be considering your external antenna. 


4G broadband is a fantastic option if you struggle with a standard broadband connection, especially if you live or work in a more rural area. Over the past few years we’ve seen a big uptake in 4G and mobile broadband options – For homeowners as well as businesses. 


What you don’t want is to switch to mobile broadband, and then end up with download speeds that are lower that what you were expecting. Whilst this may simply be down to poor reception, there are some other factors that can come into play. 


So, with you as the user, what considerations do you need to make to ensure your 4G mobile broadband connection will be the strongest it can be?


Did you know that LTE is MiMo technology?

LTE, like 11n Wi-Fi, is a multi-stream radio, multiple in/multiple out (MiMo) service. So similarly to 11n Wi-Fi, LTE uses multiple radio data streams to and from the end client – Which means the more streams of data the client can take, the faster the broadband. 

Just like in 11n Wi-Fi, the number of streams is T (the number of transmit radio streams) multiplied by R (the number of receive streams the connection can support) so TxR. This means that if something supports 2×2 streams, it can support twice the upload and download speed of a device with 1×1. In 4G LTE, you get anything from 1×1 to 8×8 stream capability (including all the possible mixes in between them). 

The number of transmit and receive streams dictates how many antennas the client needs. So for a 1×1 service, you would only need a single antenna. For a 2×2 service you would need 2 antenna. You get the idea. 

A connection can only support the number of streams the service provider is capable of via their masts. It is also dependent on the client device and its radio capabilities. 

The majority of devices – Like phones and routers – have dual stream capabilities. 


Choices of Antenna

If you’ve already been looking for a 4G LTE antenna then you’ll likely already have realised that there can be a difference in price. One of the main differences between antennas will be, as we said above, the number of connections they have. 


As you’ll have probably guessed, the more connections they have, the picier the get. So a 2×2 (or 2×1 or 2×2) device will cost more than a 1×1 device. You’ll typically see a choice between single (1×1) and dual connection (2×2) antennas. 


In most scenarios, you will be wanting a dual connection (2×2) antenna so that it supports the functionality of your router and other devices with dual stream, MiMo functionality.


But how do you know if the antenna will be any good? 


That comes down to polarisation. There needs to be a physical difference between the radio streams so that the receiver can differentiate between them. This can be as simple as mounting the antennas, leaving a physical gap between them of a few inches. 


It’s also a good idea to have each antenna at a different angle – Ideally at 90 degrees to each other. This is because although the radio waves might leave the mast in a lovely vertically polarised fashion, after a few reflections they will likely not be like that any more. Setting up the antenna so that they can also receive radio waves that are no longer vertically polarised will mean you will better receive the signal – A cross shape would achieve this. 


Do I need a Directional or Omni-Directional Antenna Set Up? 

Whilst it might be tempting to just opt for the highest gain directional antenna, this isn’t actually always the best choice – For 4G LTE or Wi-Fi. 


If you imagine a radio wave travelling from the mast to your receiver, with nothing in the way, it would have a straightforward route and an uninterrupted signal. In real life, this is unfortunately not the case. The signal cannot go through anything solid, so whenever something gets in its way, it reflects and scatters from those objects until it reaches the antenna. This means that the radio signal could come to your receiver from all different directions. 


Directional antenna, although high gain, have limited coverage in terms of their angle. So with radio waves potentially coming in in all directions, the directional antenna is going to cause you problems. 


The best situation for a directional antenna is when there is a clear line of sight between the mast and the mount of the antenna – Which is not a very common thing. 


The omni-directional antenna might well be lower gain, but it should pick up the signal regardless of what directional the radio waves are coming from. 


The best way to improve the signal you receive is to mount the antenna outside and as high up as possible.


Directional Antenna Pros

  • Can occasionally give a better, stronger and cleaner signal when carefully aligned with line of sight 
  • With a clear line of sight (and no ambiguity) then a directional antenna would be preferred choice

Directional Antenna Cons

  • Careful alignment with line of sight can be very tricky
  • Without line of sight, you have to rely on how it reflects and scatters
  • Changes in environment can result in how the signal is reflected (e.g. something as simple as a dry wall reflects better than a wet wall)
  • It is harder for the system to switch to a different mast (this could be dictated by the provider)


Omni-Directional Antenna Pros

  • Easy and quick installation (no tricky, careful alignment needed)
  • It is easy for the system to change transmitter masts
  • Antenna can be mounted outdoors, making a significant improvement in signal despite the lower fain


Omni-Directional Antenna Cons

  • In comparison to the directional antenna, the omni has lower gain
  • Can be more susceptible to radio frequency interference coming from different directions


Frequency Bands

There are a number of frequency bands that are used for 4G LTE in the UK. There’s the 800MHz band, the 1400MHz / 1.4GHz band, the 1800MHz / 1.8GHz band, the 2100MHz / 2.6GHz band, the 2300MHz / 2.3GHz band, and the 2600MHz / 2.6GHz band.


Although not set in stone, you generally find that the lower frequency bands are used more in rural areas due to them having longer transmission range than the higher frequencies and having to cover a larger geographical area. The higher band would likely be used more in built up towns and cities. 


What does this mean for antenna? Well, it means that you, as the end user, need to ensure that your antenna will support the service and frequency band of your provider. If you are sensible and savvy, you will choose an antenna that can cover the different frequency bands in case your service/provider changes. 


Stream Bandwidth

The available spectrum is divided and allocated between providers into sub-bands. The connection you get as the end client will depend (and vary) on how many clients the local signal mast can support as well as the bandwidth. 


If you live or work in a high user area, the density will mean that you may struggle with throughput speed or even getting a connection in the first place! 


What high user density situations could impact your 4G connection? Well, if you live near a football stadium or a busy motorway, you may find that on match day or during a bad traffic jam, your internet connection comes to a standstill as well! 


Which Antenna Do I Need for my 4G LTE Connection? 


How do you choose? Let’s take a look again at the main considerations you need to think about to ensure the best possible connection. 


Single or Dual Antenna


Does your router only have a single antenna connector? If so, then you should probably choose an external antenna with a single connector. 


If your router has a dual stream connection then you need to choose an antenna with 2 connectors. You could also choose two single connection antennas. 


Remember – If the local signal mast sends out a 1×1 service, then that’s all you’re going to get, even if you have a router and antenna set up that supports 2×2. Having the 2×2 compatible service won’t see you any difference if it’s a 1×1 signal service.  


Directional or Omni-Directional Antenna? 

We’re not trying to tell you what to do… But our Wi-Fi expert’s advice would be, in most scenarios, to go for an omni-directional antenna. As we mentioned above, it’s tempted to just go straight for the antenna with the biggest gain, usually the directional, when you could face very tricky alignment issues. Very few properties, business or home, have a clear line of sight between their local mast and their antenna. Unless you have this clear line of sight, then an omni is the best option.  

Correct frequency

Remember to ensure that your choice of antenna will work with the frequency range coming from your service provider and local mast. It’s only going to work if your frequency band matches what your antenna supports! 


To avoid potential issues when services or providers change, you should aim to choose an antenna that covers all the 4G LTE bands here in the UK. That means that your antenna should always work, even if you change provider or your local service changes. You might have to pay a little more, but it could save you problems in the future. 



You should always mount the antenna wherever it has the best line of sight to the local mast. Sometimes you might not be able to see the signal mast, especially if you live or work in a very built up area. Even if you cannot see the mast, bear in mind the direction it’s in – Does your antenna need to be at the front or the back of your building? Even without a clear line of sight, this will vastly improve the signal you get. 


Generally speaking, the higher up you can mount the antenna the better! 


Also make sure that you’re not locating it close to a thick wall or anything metal. Even an omni-directional antenna would struggle to get a good signal in these situations! You want to make it as easy as possible for the signal to reach the receiver on your antenna. 


I’ve followed the advice but still don’t have good download speeds? 

You could have the perfect signal – And still not get good download speeds. This could be down to a few different reasons:

  • The service capabilities of your provider (the frequency they are allocated)
  • The service provided from the local mast
  • The capabilities of your router
  • If you live or work in a high user density area with lots of people trying to connect at the same time


Whether or not this matters depends on what you are using your connection for. If you are a business and are relying on your 4G LTE connection for your business operations, then this is going to be an issue. 


Trust the Experts


Here at Geekabit, our Wi-Fi experts can tell you just how reliable a 4G (or 5G) mobile broadband connection would be with one of our surveys. 


If you’re struggling with wired broadband, and not getting the reliable internet connection you need in your rural business or home, then 4G / 5G could be a fantastic option for you.


It can feel like a big jump to give up on your wired broadband connection and opt for 4G – Which is where our Cell Coverage 4G survey comes in.


We can tell you exactly whether 4G broadband would work for you, and which network would be most reliable.


What is 6GHz Wi-Fi?

Did you know that following the historic decision by USA’s FCC in April 2020 to release 1200 MHz of bandwidth in 6 GHz space for unlicensed use, UK regulators cleared unlicensed wireless usage in the 6 GHz spectrum to give 6GHz WiFi a huge boost back in July 2020. 


This regulatory go-ahead enables your router to broadcast over the 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands. What does this mean in real life terms? Simply, it means there are now a lot more open airwaves that routers can use to broadcast Wi-Fi signals. This in turn means faster, more reliable connections from the next generation of devices.


This is the biggest spectrum addition in over 30 years – In fact, since the FCC cleared the way for Wi-Fi back in 1989. Pretty huge right? It means the space available for routers and other devices have quadruple the amount in this new spectrum. This means a lot more bandwidth for the user and less interference for their devices. 


For the past 20 years we’ve had the Wi-Fi Alliance that oversees the implementation of Wi-Fi. This change in the spectrum is the most ‘monumental decision’ during their existence. You’ll be seeing this implementation as Wi-Fi 6E, with more and more enabled devices becoming available. 


Will Wi-Fi 6E fix my bad Wi-Fi? 


There’s a good chance that spectrum congestion has interfered with your ability to connect to your Wi-Fi network in the past. When there are a lot of devices all trying to connect over the same band of frequencies, some devices will drop out. Have a look at your local area for Wi-Fi networks – If there is a long list, that could be why you’re struggling with a slow connection and less than favourable reliability. This is because there are too many competing signals, which stops your device getting through. It’s hoped that gains in 6GHz performance will last, even when they are more widely used than they are now. 


Not only does Wi-Fi 6E offer new airwaves for routers to use, they are also more spacious airwaves that have less overlapping signals which can cause problems on some other Wi-Fi channels. 


The new spectrum doesn’t use any of the previous spectrum, yet offers space for up to 7 maximum-capacity Wi-Fi streams which can all be broadcast simultaneously without causing interference with each other. 


Here’s the geeky bit… The UK telecoms regulator, Ofcom, made it possible for home Wi-Fi networks to harness 500MHz of radio spectrum frequency in the new 6GHz band, which will significantly boost the speed of licence-exempt indoor home wireless networks via Wi-Fi 6/6E. 


What is 6GHz? 


Basically, Wi-Fi works by broadcasting over airwaves that are open for anyone to use. Previously, this was over two bands: 2.4GHz and 5GHz. This third band, 6GHz, is quadrupling the available space for traditional Wi-Fi. 


What do the numbers mean? 2.4GHz can travel further, but 6GHz travels faster. The main thing however is that the number of airwaves available on the6GHz band is quadruple what has been available before. Exciting stuff! 


On a personal ‘how will this affect me’ level, it means that if you live in a block of flats, and you are the first person to get a 6GHz router, then you won’t be competing with anyone for a connection. The great thing is that even as 6GHz routers become more popular, it’s likely that signals will stay faster and stronger than previously as it’s a more spacious spectrum.  


Will Wi-Fi 6E be faster?


It’s not quite as straight forward as that, but Wi-Fi 6E will sort of be faster. Theoretically, 6GHz Wi-Fi has the same top speed as 5GHz Wi-Fi. The maximum Wi-Fi 6 standard speed is 9.6 Gbps. Now, you’re not going to actuall get that speed in real life, however having access to the new airwaves could well increase your speed. 


The available spectrum at 5GHz means that Wi-Fi signals aren’t as large as they could be. Whereas, it’s thought that routers at 6GHz will broadcast at the current maximum allowable channel size. That in itself, means a faster connection. 


These new networks could see smartphone Wi-Fi connections hit 1–2 Gbps. You might be wondering how this compares to 5G – Indeed, these are the speeds expected from millimetre-wave 5G. However, that has very limited availability. 


Remember that your internet speeds will also always depend on / be limited by your provider. But it could still be a huge jump for connectivity.  


Can I buy Wi-Fi 6 devices?


Here in the UK we started to see Wi-Fi 6 devices creep onto the market in the last year or so, once the Wi-Fi Alliance started offering certification for Wi-Fi 6E. Deployment has been slow and steady, with more Wi-Fi 6 enables devices appearing bit by bit. We’re on course for the next generation of Wi-Fi networks.


Wi-Fi 6E enabled devices are most seen in smartphones and then tablets, with TV’s likely to follow suit. We use our phones for almost everything, so it’s no surprise that it’s this device that will be top of the list for Wi-Fi 6E. 


How do I know if a device supports Wi-Fi 6E?


The most widely used Wi-Fi standard on current devices is probably still Wi-Fi 6, the standard previous to Wi-Fi 6E, which you could still see on the box of a new device. This isn’t such a bad thing – It means that the device supports that Wi-Fi standard and offers efficient Wi-Fi performance. 


What you should probably start looking out for when buying a new device is Wi-Fi 6E – It’s this one that is extended into the 6GHz band. All devices, like smartphones, tablets, laptops and routers should have backward compatibility – Meaning they will work with any previous Wi-Fi standard to the one that’s stated on the box. This means that you can enjoy available connections even when Wi-Fi 6E isn’t available. 


Be aware that even if you buy a Wi-Fi 6E compatible device, you will enjoy the benefits of that when you use it with a Wi-Fi 6E router. 


6GHz will become an integral part of Wi-Fi 6 and future generations of Wi-Fi. This means that at some point, you will have to replace your devices with ones that are Wi-Fi 6E compatible to be able to enjoy all the benefits the extra spectrum has to offer. 


Due to the Wi-Fi Alliance certification programme, only efficient Wi-Fi 6 devices will be certificated. 


It’s worth bearing in mind that the 6GHz spectrum does have some existing licensed users. This means that particularly in outdoor spaces,  Wi-Fi will have to work around them. Outside, routers will need to use something called an “automated frequency control” system. This ensure that they don’t interfere with these existing 6GHz users. Because that means less space to broadcast, there could be degradation of overall performance in some areas.


Does Wi-Fi 6E have anything to do with 5G? 


We touched on this earlier, but no, they don’t have anything to do with each other really. It just happens that both of these networks are being spoken about a lot, simultaneously. 5G is everywhere, is it not!


We keep saying about Wi-Fi 6E being a new spectrum, but really it’s not new, it’s always been there, it’s just been unlicensed. Now, people can use the 6GHz spectrum without a license in their homes. 


This also means that other technologies could try to make use of the 6GHz band, which could in turn take up some of the space that Wi-Fi wants to use. 5G is one of the technologies that could be a rival for the space on the 6GHz band. 


There is a possibility that 5G could overlap on the new Wi-Fi 6E spectrum through mobile network carriers. This could in turn lead to interference issues, but it’s a bit early to say. If you’re wondering whether 5G will become dominant and replace Wi-Fi altogether, then we think probably not. There doesn’t need to be a winner or a loser when it comes to Wi-Fi 6E vs 5G – They dont necessarily have to be in competition with one another. The spacious nature of this spectrum means there should be enough room for both. 


6GHz Wi-Fi is certainly being revered by the tech industry, so we’re pretty hopeful that Wi-Fi will be the main beneficiary of the newly opened 6GHz spectrum. 


Enterprise 5G: What You Need To Know 

You may be wondering what 5G means for enterprises. You may well have googled it and landed here! The prevalence of 5G will help to empower businesses – Allowing them to create new experiences and connect in more inventive ways.. 5G will help to change how we work and how we play as well as providing the solution for many problems. Some of them we might not even know about yet! There is a constant buzz in the air surrounding 5G and the excitement of all the possibilities it brings. It might also be causing a bit of FOMO – Businesses will not want to be the ones left behind. 


5G is quite often used as a backup for 4G – But those days may soon be over. Businesses will need to start considering using 5G as their primary mobile network, as well as the possibility of using it or their wireless environment – Negating the need for office wiring. 


Transformation is happening across all industries – As it tends to do with the introduction of new technology. An ever-changing world! 5G could well be the latest key when it comes to boosting the ambition of your business and increasing the confidence of enterprise customers. 


There are 3 main take homes when it comes to Enterprise 5G:

  • This year, the investment in 5G looks strong in enterprises across industries
  • Confidence in the ability to implement 5G successfully is low (only 25% of enterprises feel very confident about effective implementation)
  • Sustainability needs must be met by 5G providers and IoT use


The level of current and future spending on emerging technologies is looking healthy, yet there are some significant challenges that industrial 5G needs to overcome. With only a quarter of enterprises feeling confident in their ability to implement 5G successfully, it is vital that 5G providers can help enterprises to get set up. 


So what do our 5G providers need to know? Well they need to know what enterprises are thinking when it comes to 5G implementation in order for them to become trusted business partners. 


There are several key insights that need to be considered for Enterprise 5G. 


Adoption of 5G is not guaranteed

Just because the intention to invest in 5G is there, doesn’t mean it’s a given. The future looks bright in terms of enterprises adopting emerging technologies over the next few years, with investments likely to rise.  The intention to invest in 5G is highest amongst enterprises adopting new technologies. 17% have already invested, and 56% plan to invest in the next 1-3 years. Only 12% are not planning to invest whilst they monitor technological changes.

It seems that organisations are mostly interested in 5G for its use in helping them to meet their sustainability goals as well as improving supply chain management.

This doesn’t mean that 5G implementation is guaranteed. Indeed, just because 5G is becoming more mainstream, doesn’t mean that all organisations are going to stay receptive to it. Asian companies planning to invest in 5G is actually down 10% in comparison to last year.


Enterprise 5G Vision Becomes Defensive


The mindset towards 5G and IoT is prizing efficiency and optimization instead of entering adjacent markets and driving top-line growth. The top priority of enterprises when it comes to IoT is operational efficiency. Similarly, less enterprises want to spend on IoT for new products and services. 5G application uses for VR and AR seem to be diminishing.

We also need to look at Environmental, Social and Governance consideration as although these are fueling interest in 5G, they are also necessitating new demands on tech providers. Sustainability is a hot topic at the moment, and almost 50% of businesses don’t feel their sustainability needs are being met by 5G vendors.


New ways of buying and deploying 5G are well received by enterprises


Enterprises seem very receptive to 5G solutions, with over three quarters of businesses interested in using private networks to support the implementation of 5G. Furthermore, 50% of businesses thought that purchasing private network capabilities was an important 5G investment strategy. The reasons being that it provided more control of their network and improved reliability.

It would seem that the lack of confidence in 5G implementation could lead to businesses purchasing 5G through a MVNO (mobile virtual network operator). This implies that the relationship between telecommunications operators and enterprise customers could be in jeopardy. They need to ensure that 5G offerings are offered with easy market strategies.


Focus on 5G’s relationship to other technologies, with less attention on cyber risks


It looks like one of the top priorities for businesses is looking at the relationship of 5G with other technologies. It would be beneficial for enterprises to receive ongoing information and education on emerging technologies and how they relate to each other for their business needs. Not understanding the relationship between 5G and other emerging technologies could cause challenges.

Rather incredibly, less than a quarter of businesses viewed reducing the risk of cyber threats a priority in terms of IoT and 5G. We cannot stress enough how vital it is for enterprises to design their 5G and IoT deployments with security in mind. This is not a blind spot that can be ignored.


Telecommunication operators are falling behind network vendors

Enterprises are supporting their 5G deployments with their technology and telecoms providers, often following selection criteria based on price. Pricing seems to even come above the speed of execution.

It seems that enterprises don’t just want a technology supplier – They want a transformation partner. And who the experts are in this area is fairly evenly split between application and platform vendors and professional services firms. Hot on their heels are network equipment vendors! Less than a fifth of enterprises view telecommunication operators as experts in digital transformation. Whilst trusted as IoT experts, they need to prove their ability to deliver new connectivity transformations.


Ambitious ecosystem strategies for enterprises


Enterprises are wanting to take advantage of new technologies and ecosystem collaboration is one route towards these new skills and knowledge. Much of their 5 year growth is based within business ecosystem collaboration. There is a growing emphasis on developing cross-sector partnerships as well as shortening the time between new products and services, and revenue. These are ambitious drivers of ecosystem strategies.

Perhaps the most important takeaway from all this is that nearly three quarters of businesses are prioritising suppliers that can offer the relevant ecosystem relationships as part of their 5G capabilities. This means that any 5G provider needs to meet their customers needs and expectations by tapping into these fast-changing corporate ecosystems.  



Get in touch


If you’re struggling with wired broadband, and not getting the reliable internet connection you need in your business, then 5G could be a fantastic option for you.


It can feel like a big jump to give up on your wired broadband connection and opt for 5G – Which is where our Cell Coverage survey comes in.

We can tell you exactly whether 5G broadband would work for you, and which network would be most reliable.


Give our Wi-Fi experts a call or email us today!


How do I get reliable Wi-Fi in my garden? 

Hello Spring heatwave! Hampshire, as well as other parts of the UK, have been treated to a bit of a March heatwave this week with sunny days that are feeling really warm. Finally! And now that many more of us find ourselves working from home more often, we wouldn’t be surprised if you’re trying to figure out a way to get all your gear out into the garden and Wi-Fi working well. 


Whether you’re soaking up the sun during Zoom meetings or attempting to escape the same 4 walls with some fresh air whilst answering emails – You’re going to need a strong, reliable Wi-Fi connection in your sun-soaked Hampshire garden. 


And no, it’s not okay to steal your neighbour’s Wi-Fi – Even if you know their password!


So, if you’re trying to make the most of the sunshine that Hampshire currently has on offer, then here are our top tips for getting strong, reliable Wi-Fi in your garden. 


Use an Access Point

Our first recommendation would be to run an ethernet cable out to the garden area and install a new access point. 


Many of our Hampshire based clients have homes where this option has worked really effectively. There are other options (see below) but this would always be our preference and recommendation when being asked how to get Wi-Fi in your garden. 

Where is your router? 


Is your router in the best place? You could try moving your existing router to see if a change of location improves the signal you get in your garden. 


We’ve visited many Hampshire homes where the router has been situated at the front of the house, most commonly in the front room next to the smart TV or telephone. This location makes it unlikely for the signal to be able to reach your back garden. 


Consider where you access the internet the most, and whether you could move your router to a different location that would work for both the house and the garden.


Extend your Wi-Fi range with a repeater 


If the range of your router won’t reach the garden from a suitable location inside the house, then there are ways you can extend it. A repeater is one possible solution, and works particularly well in larger homes. Some of our Hampshire based clients have found that a repeater has solved their Wi-Fi woes when it comes to getting a reliable signal in the garden. 


The pros – By placing a repeater in range of the garden, you can make your Wi-Fi go further. It’s cost effective and easy to configure. 


The cons – It works by mimicking your existing network and creating a new one. You would have to manually change the connection on your device when you move between the garden and the house. This option can also half your bandwidth, resulting in slower internet speeds.


Extend your Wi-Fi range with an extender


By using an extender, you can extend the range of your router by plugging it in at a position where it will provide coverage to your garden. 


An extender is cabled and takes internet signal directly from the router and emits it from a better location. Despite being slightly more expensive and a bit more complicated to configure than the repeater, our resident Wi-Fi expert says, 


One of the biggest benefits of an extender is that it is connected using a wired connection, so there is no need for a wireless signal to operate it. This also means that the bandwidth stays at its full potential.


We’d recommend that you consider calling in the experts if you’re considering this option – And we reckon our clients that are currently enjoying Geekabit installed Wi-Fi extenders in their sunny Hampshire hotspot would say the same! 


Mobile Tethering

If your smartphone has good reception outside, then you can use its Wi-Fi hotspot and tether that to your laptop or other device to use its connection. 


However, it’s worth bearing in mind that the data you use will come off your monthly allowance, and if you go over it can be rather a costly mistake.


This option is probably more suited to those ‘one-off’ moments – Perhaps to tide you over while you wait for one of Geekabit’s Wi-Fi experts to come and sort out a more long-term Wi-Fi connection in your garden. 


Get in touch


So there you go, some of our top tips on how to get Wi-Fi in your garden so you can enjoy the Spring sunshine whilst working from home!


If you’ve tried the options above and still no joy, don’t be afraid to call in the experts! Our Wi-Fi experts are on the other end of a phone call or email and are happy to help get your Wi-Fi working as it should. 


We work out of Hampshire, London and Cardiff and are really passionate about getting people the Wi-Fi connection they deserve. 


Wi-Fi to Fall in Love With

Wi-Fi really can be a love-hate relationship, can’t it? When we feel a strong connection then everything is plain sailing. But the minute that connection seems lost, the frustration creeps in. 


To keep your relationship with Wi-Fi healthy, here are some top tips. 


Ensure a Secure Connection 

Every good relationship relies on that feeling of security. Wi-Fi is no different. A survey found that despite 91% of respondents believing that public Wi-Fi wasn’t secure, 89% still chose to continue using it. 

It’s always a good idea to wait until you’ve found the right network before you start sharing personal information. If you’re using public Wi-Fi, always make sure it has strong security policies and infrastructure – Especially if you are sharing sensitive information on their network. 


Some Things Are Best Kept Private

Whether it’s Valentine’s Day or any other day of the year, some things are just better kept private. 

If you are connecting to a public Wi-Fi network, you should not be using credit or debit card information or sharing any bank details. Yes, that means no shopping! 

If you find yourself able to connect with other users in their network, for example through AirDrop, then you should disconnect. If you want to confirm that the network you are connected to is in fact the provider you think it is, you can check and verify the DNS name by checking the public IP address of the network. 


Don’t Risk Getting Held to Ransom

You have to guard your heart sometimes – And you should be guarding your devices too. More and more people are being targeted by ransomware nowadays. And most of those people are paying the ransom in order to get back their data. It’s not just your laptop that can be affected – Any phone or smart device can also be vulnerable. You could be looking at a cost of around £500 – Don’t let them fool you and swindle you out of your hard earned money. 


Stop the tears from streaming

If you’re currently relaxing in a hotel room about to start a romantic Valentine’s Day movie on Netflix, then be prepared for some buffering. Any kind of streaming service is a rather big challenge for hotel networks or similar. It needs to have the Wi-Fi to match the demand! And we’re sure that’s not the only performance issue that hotel room has seen. If you’re sitting on the other side of the bed, and it’s your hospitality venue that’s struggling with Wi-Fi performance issues, get in touch with our Wi-Fi expert here at Geekabit and we’ll see how we can help get your Wi-Fi from heartbreaker to love at first sight.


It’s not you, it’s me

If you got hacked, who would you blame? Yourself, the Wi-Fi provider or the hacker? Research suggests that 56% of people would blame the Wi-Fi provider / venue but 85% would blame themselves. When you connect to a Wi-Fi network, are you confident that it’s safe? It’s very important to make sure you have the information and tools you need to stay vigilant and safe online. 


Turn yourself on

Wi-Fi gives us the ability to turn on so many different things these days. From switching on the lights to turning up the heat for when we get home – All from our phones!

You could even dim the lights for a romantic moment… Who needs a wingman when you’ve got strong Wi-Fi?


Not feeling a connection?

If your Wi-Fi is leaving you feeling frustrated and disconnected, then get in touch. Our Wi-Fi experts have the knowledge and skills to diagnose the problems with your Wi-Fi network, and deploy what’s right for you. 


After all – All you need is love, and Wi-Fi.