What’s the Difference Between Wi-Fi 6 vs Wi-Fi 6E?

Put very simply, Wi-Fi 6E is an extension of the Wi-Fi 6 standard. It basically acts as a fast lane for compatible devices applications and devices which leads to faster wireless speeds and lower latency. 

But there’s more to it than that!  

One main thing to note is that Wi-Fi 6 is backward compatible (meaning it works with previous Wi-Fi standards) whereas Wi-Fi 6E does not offer this. But this is part of the reason how it creates that fast lane. 

Because Wi-Fi 6E is only compatible with Wi-Fi 6E devices, there tends to be lower levels of congestion and interference within the 6 GHz band, hence helping to optimise performance. Wi-Fi 6E devices are becoming more prevalent. 

When did we start using the 6 GHz frequency band? 

Back in July 2020, Ofcom, the UK telecoms regulator, made access to 500MHz of radio spectrum frequency in the new 6GHz band available for home Wi-Fi networks.

This significantly boosted the speed of any indoor home wireless networks exempt from licences via the new Wi-Fi 6 / 6E standard. 

The 6GHz band is a higher frequency than the others, which means it has a lower level of coverage than the 5GHz band due to weaker signal. However, the extra spectrum allows more space for data which means faster speeds. 

The lower coverage means a more secure connection for homes due to less congestion and competition with other local Wi-Fi signals. 

Do we need new infrastructure for Wi-Fi 6E?

As we mentioned above, Wi-Fi 6E is not backward compatible like Wi-Fi 6, so this means that if you want to utilise this Wi-Fi fast lane, you need the relevant devices. So this means that yes, you will need new Wi-Fi infrastructure to use Wi-Fi 6E. 

To support this Wi-Fi standard extension, you’ll need your IT team to look at your current wireless infrastructure and identify what will need to be updated. Think routers, switches, access points and other hardware – Then you can take full advantage of the higher speeds of Wi-Fi 6E. 

It’s worth noting that when you do upgrade your infrastructure in order to support Wi-Fi 6E, you don’t necessarily need to abandon your existing Wi-Fi 6 devices and applications. You can still use these on the 2.4Ghz and 5GHz frequency bands. 

The upgraded devices that can use the 6GHz spectrum will likely help to reduce congestion on these other frequency bands – Providing a better user experience for devices connecting to both 2.5 GHz and 5GHz as well as the Wi-Fi 6E devices on the 6GHz band. 

What are the biggest benefits of Wi-Fi 6E? 

Strong, reliable Wi-Fi has become business critical. Businesses cannot function without a good Wi-Fi network – A network that needs to adequately serve an entire workforce. 

In today’s day and age, this means a workforce with some employees in the office, some working remotely and a mix of both. This hybrid workforce will have a variety of devices and apps that support this way of working. Relying on excellent Wi-Fi!

It’s a data driven world, so your business needs to make sure that the wireless network is secure, reliable, flexible and as fast as possible. Here are the benefits of Wi-Fi 6E that will most help with these business critical Wi-Fi elements. 

Wi-Fi 6E and Speed

The 6GHz band allows data to be transmitted rapidly via Wi-Fi 6E devices like smartphones, laptops and wearable devices. THe other great thing is that because it’s not backward compatible, there are none of those slow legacy devices trying to compete for bandwidth. 

These advantages with speed mean that streaming high resolution video, teleconferencing and even online gaming make Wi-Fi 6E an ideal choice. It’s perfect for these types of bandwidth-intensive applications. Real world examples are AR/VR and transferring large data files such as MRI images within healthcare. 

Wi-Fi 6E and Security

Most businesses and organisations require a secure network. It is mandatory for all Wi-Fi 6E devices to have WPA3 (Wi-Fi Protected Access 3) as specified by the Wi-Fi Alliance. THey ust also not have backward compatibility with WPA2. This increase in security helps to increase the confidence of your network users when moving to the 6GHz frequency band – Especially for those must-trusted connections, 

OWE (Opportunisitc Wireless Encryption Specification)  is also an option for Wi-Fi 6E. Using OWE means that the communication between a pair of endpoints is protected. The Support for Wi-Fi Enhanced Open certification is given for the 6GHz band, based on the OWE. 

What Industries Can Benefit Most from Wi-Fi 6E? 

Wi-Fi 6E really has the ability to transform any and most industries. The ones that are likely to benefit the most with the most transformative impact include the following sectors:

How Can Wi-Fi 6E Benefit the Healthcare Industry? 

We touched on how Wi-Fi 6E could support the transfer of large data files like MRI images. It also helps providers to connect more life-saving devices with fewer data delays and slowdowns. The higher speeds and lack of congestion means higher quality connections with fewer dropouts, making it impactful for telehealth appointments. 

How Can Wi-Fi 6E Benefit the Retail Industry? 

No one likes to be stuck at the point of sale waiting for the card machine to connect and take the payment. Wi-Fi 6E can help to ensure these connections are faster – Not only reducing customer frustration, but also shortening queues. The better the experience for the customer, the better the image of the brand, leading to regular custom and increased sales. 

How Can Wi-Fi 6E Benefit the Education Industry?

Over the last couple of years, we’ve seen how much educational institutions have relied on technology to continue and enhance teaching. Primary Schools up to Universities have immersed themselves in virtual learning which has been carried on even when students have been welcomed back to classrooms. Wi-Fi 6E supports high throughput and concurrent data transmission which makes it ideal for a learning environment. 

Let’s not forget that more and more students are using devices and tech as a part of their daily school lessons. Newer devices that can take advantage of the 6GHz band and Wi-Fi 6E benefits, whilst older devices can still access the 2.4 GHz and 5GHz bands. This results in lighter traffic all round, enhancing wireless connectivity and performance and thus the learning experience. 

How Can Wi-Fi 6E Benefit the Manufacturing and Warehouse Industry?

IoT devices and sensors are becoming more and more prevalent in the manufacturing and warehouse industries. An organisation in this sector should seriously consider using Wi-Fi 6E enabled devices so they can take full advantage of this almost interference-free band. 

The brilliant thing about this is that you can split your network into two. Employees working in the office checking emails and using the internet for day to day admin can continue to use the 5GHz and 2.4 GHz bands. This leaves the Wi-Fi 6E devices on your manufacturing floor or warehouse free to run efficiently uninterrupted. 

This makes Wi-Fi 6E ideal for this industry, helping to meet service level expectations with improved reliability and lower latency.

Wi-Fi 6E Benefits for All

These industries are only a few select ones that are likely to see a huge positive impact from using Wi-Fi 6E. But most businesses and organisations could see improvements in their network by upgrading to this Wi-Fi standard extension. 

In conclusion, various industries and businesses in general can benefit from Wi-Fi 6E with the main advantages being:

  • Higher network speeds
  • Stronger security
  • Access to up to 2.5 times more spectrum 
  • A better voice and video experience 

Are you considering updating your wireless infrastructure to support Wi-Fi 6E? Why not give the experts a call! Here at Geekabit our Wi-Fi engineers can help support you and your business Wi-Fi network with professional and expert advice and installation. 

Looking for New Festival Wi-Fi For Your Live Event? 

If you’re planning a festival or live event in an outdoor location, then providing temporary Wi-Fi is probably near the top of your to do list. If it isn’t, then it should be!

Imagine going to see your favourite band play and not be able to stream it live onto your Instagram or Facebook stories? Or FaceTime your best friend their favourite song? Picture the frustration from not being able to upload the perfect selfie of you and your partner dressed up and living your best life! There is nothing as frustrating as wanting to get online, but having woeful Wi-Fi. 

We use the internet innumerable times a day – Wi-Fi is an integral part of all of our lives now. And it’s super important to bear this in mind when planning your festival or event. We know there are lots of utilities you need to take care of, from power supplies to toilets, water to Wi-Fi. 

Why do festivals need readily available Wi-Fi?

It’s not only the guests that need Wi-Fi – It’s the vendors too. With the prevalence of contactless payments, it’s no surprise that food and drink traders at your festival or live event will want to take payments that require an internet connection.

Festivals are requiring more and more connectivity – And it’s imperative that your Wi-Fi network is reliable and secure. 

Festivals are booming back after the pandemic and they’re big business, bringing in millions of pounds. The market is also full so it’s important your festival is at least offering what the competition is, if not exceeding them with unique selling points. Like site-wide reliable Wi-Fi! 

Did you know that 90% of festival goers are smartphone users? And 65% ranked their smartphone as the most important item they brought with them, being keen to stay connected to their social networks whilst attending the festival.

It is vital that temporary Wi-Fi for festivals and live events is done properly – That’s why it’s best to leave it to the experts! Like our Wi-Fi engineers here at Geekabit. We know good Wi-Fi and our professional Wi-Fi technicians can ensure your festival Wi-Fi is going to provide the service that your guests and vendors need.

What do we need for successful Festival Wi-Fi?

It’s all in the planning! Our professional team of Wi-Fi engineers will plan out the perfect Wi-Fi solution by mapping out your site, generating heat maps and designing a network with seamless coverage and no black spots. 

  • Seamless site roaming

    A successful festival Wi-Fi set up will allow your internet users to roam the entire site seamlessly.
  • Configure multiple networks to the same hardware

    Modern Wi-Fi equipment also allows you to configure multiple networks to the same hardware. This means you could have separate networks – Think staff, vendors and guests – All being broadcast from the same devices. There is no need to have 3 separately configured networks.
  • Technical support

    It’s a good idea to make sure that you have either on-site or on-call technical support from the Wi-Fi engineers that set up your network(s). This ensures that if any adjustments need to be made or there are any issues, they can be resolved as soon as possible. 
  • Wi-Fi hotspots

    In previous years it has been tricky to keep festival goers connected across large sites, especially across remote areas like fields. Back in their cosy tent they might have struggled to get mobile coverage let alone festival Wi-Fi. Wi-Fi hotspots were utilised to try and combat this problem. You might be familiar with Glastonbury’s ‘Wi-Fi cows’ which worked as 4G hotspots via the EE network – Keeping everyone connected. More recently, we have the technology to create site wide Wi-Fi networks – A giant hotspot if you will! 

Festival Wi-Fi Features

There are certain features that Festival Wi-Fi requires in order to provide the necessary connectivity for the event. From huge festivals to small, intimate venues, every live event will have its own specific solution to the Wi-Fi requirements. 

Strong and Reliable Wi-Fi

First and foremost, the Wi-Fi for your festival needs to be strong, reliable and cost-effective. If you don’t have a dependable network, your vendors will be unable to take card payments and your staff members may not be able to communicate with other another. Not to mention the guest experience which is paramount if you want people to return year on year! 

Guest Wi-Fi

We’ve mentioned this already. And although you might think that festival goers are more inclined to enjoy the moment and be present with the live music they are watching, guests will still demand Wi-Fi, and most often what they want is an open network. 

It’s even been suggested that free guest Wi-Fi at festivals can increase your number of guests, with festival goers actively looking for a gig that offered free Wi-Fi. So it’s pretty obvious that connectivity is important. 

Let’s not forget that every social media post of your festival is like free marketing for your event, encouraging people to book tickets for the next one. When guests share a positive experience online of your festival, there and then in that wonderful moment, you can connect with a whole new audience – Simply from providing good, strong, reliable Wi-Fi. 

Wi-Fi for Festival Vendors

In this day and age, very few people carry cash in their everyday lives. And this is no different at festivals. No one wants to carry a weekend’s worth of cash around at a festival, and they won’t want to leave it back in their tent either! What they want is to carry their bank card or smartphone and be able to pay for food and drink via contactless payments.

Your vendors are going to want to take card machine payments, and they’re also going to want to avoid huge queues at their trading post. That means quick, reliable Wi-Fi powering their contactless transactions.  

Wi-Fi for Festival Staff 

A well executed event relies heavily on excellent communication. If your team can’t effectively communicate with each other, then your event is going to struggle. And when your event is outdoors across a large site, you need to know that your team members can depend on reliable communications. 

Being able to use VoIP, send emails or instant messaging with colleagues is super important. Providing a site-wide Wi-Fi network will mean that everyone on your festival team can stay connected whether they’re in the events office or roaming the site. 

Do we Really Need to Provide Wi-Fi at our Festival? 

This article has aimed to outline the features of festival Wi-Fi and why it’s so important to get it right. Events that offer reliable, strong Wi-Fi are celebrated. Streaming the gig live on their social media pages or FaceTiming family have become a big part of the festival experience. If you haven’t documented your festival weekend on Instagram, did you even go? 

It’s vital that your festival goers stay connected throughout your event – Both with the friends they are partying with and the ones at home. Festival Wi-Fi is a must – And it needs to be strong and reliable with seamless roaming. 

What would your first impression be of a business that had little or no connectivity? Probably not a great one! And your festival or live event is no different. Wi-Fi is a vital asset, whether it’s an office-based business or a festival in a field. 

Would you like some more information on how to make sure your festival is well connected? Give us a call or drop us an email today and one of our Wi-Fi experts will be in touch to discuss how we can ensure your festival has the Wi-Fi you need. Our Wi-Fi engineers work out of Hampshire, London and Cardiff and are on hand to make sure your festival has a reliable Wi-Fi network.

Can I Check The Internet Speed Before Moving Home?

Once upon a time, we would walk into a prospective new home and tick the fundamentals off our list. Water pressure? Cracks in walls? Water marks or mould? Double Glazing? Overall presentation?

But now, topping the list of importance, is how good is the broadband? The lack of a decent internet connection is now just as much of a deal breaker as a huge crack in the wall. 1 in 7 people would forfeit a bath in favour of good broadband, and 15% would prefer reliable internet to a garden, 

Not only would people refuse to buy a home with unreliable internet, but people would even be willing to pay more for a house that does have fast internet! 

It’s unsurprising that home-buyers see internet connection as so vital. With the prevalence of home-working and video calls, plus online streaming and shopping from multiple devices it’s obvious why strong, fast internet is top of the list for prospective house buyers. 

How can you make sure you’re getting the best internet connection when buying a new house?

If you’re buying a new build, then you’re in luck. Most new property developers are now making sure that their properties are connected to ultrafast broadband. 

Some will even let you choose between the major fibre suppliers with connections ready to go. 

But what if you’re not buying a new build? 

Most Estate Agents now include an estimate of broadband speed alongside their listings. Geekabit actually have their own service which we offer to Estate Agents which provide just this – An accurate reading of the internet speeds available at a specific property. It’s called SpeedScore – You can read more about it here

As a homeowner – Or prospective home owner! – It’s important that you’re getting the most accurate information possible when it comes to the reliability of the Wi-Fi at your potential property. 

How to secure seamless internet when moving house

Once you’ve chosen your property and are ready to move in – Hopefully having previously checked how reliable the internet connection is – There are a couple of things you can do to make sure you are connected and ready as soon as possible.

  • Decide whether or not you are taking your current supplier with you
  • Give your current or new supplier as much notice as possible – They usually need at least 2 weeks if you want things ready on your moving date

How are house prices affected by bad internet?

If you are looking at buying a new property, chances are you’re also selling yours! But is your home one of the estimated 466,000 properties that experience bad broadband here in the UK?

If you’re selling a property, it should be obvious that your current internet speeds are going to be just as scrutinised as the potential properties that you’re considering buying.

If you have fast speeds and minimal interruption then your house price is likely to be unaffected by the internet. If, however, your broadband speeds are slow then you could be seeing a horrendous 24% decrease in your property value. With the average property value in the UK being £278,000, that’s a decrease of nearly £67K – Just because of bad broadband. 

Generally speaking, it’s more rural properties that are affected by unreliable broadband and slow internet speeds. House prices can tend to be lower in more rural areas too, but will fall even lower if the Wi-Fi offering isn’t up to scratch. 

What can you do about it? 

Fix the internet problems before you try to sell! If you’re thinking that you can get away with no potential buyers noticing then think again.

Whether you’re in a rural home or not, our Wi-Fi experts here at Geekabit can help make your Wi-Fi woes a thing of the past. There are plenty of options to boost your internet connectivity – From extra devices to mobile 4G/5G broadband. Give us a call to discuss – Our Wi-Fi engineers work out of Hampshire, London and Cardiff and are on hand to get you better connected. 

With the recent working-from-home revolution, there has never before been a need as big for fast, affordable, available broadband. 

Can Hot Weather Affect Your Phone Signal?

We’ve recently had the second heatwave of the year here in the UK, particularly the South of England with temperatures exceeding 30 degrees at our bases in Hampshire, London and Cardiff. 

Understatement of the year – It’s been very hot. And you might have noticed that during said heat wave, your 4G mobile phone signal has been affected 

Mobile network traffic is carried on radio waves, so the reception you get on your mobile phone can be affected by any kind of atmospheric conditions – including very hot weather. Just as you might find the weather affects your terrestrial radio signal! 

Weather in general, not just extreme heat, can directly (e.g. a thunderstorm with lightning causing electrical interference) and indirectly (change of season affecting mobile reception) effect 4G signal on your mobile phone or broadband service. 

How could a change of season affect network signal? Well, something as simple as the trees surrounding a property being bare in the Winter could mean that there is less interference to the reception coming in and going out. Come the Spring, the trees become covered with leaves, which could weaken and sometimes block the signal. 

But how does day-to-day weather affect 4G signal?

The most obvious weather affecting mobile phone coverage is stormy weather – Torrential rain and thunderstorms. Water and radio waves don’t really mix, so any water in the atmosphere is not good for your mobile signal. The frequencies used by mobile networks are hindered by any water – Not just rain and snow, but also fog, clouds and even high humidity. All of these types of weather can negatively impact your mobile phone signal. .

Why does water hinder 4G signal? Well, water conducts electricity, so any water vapour in the atmosphere can actually refract and reflect radio waves. Us Wi-Fi engineers call this the “propagation delay effect.”

What this means is that your mobile phone signal could be:

  • Weakened by interference
  • Disrupted or slowed down due to the signal taking longer to go between your device and the tower

Is the weather affecting my mobile phone reception?

We’re going to take a look at different types of weather now, and how each different weather conditional can interfere with the signal you get on your mobile phone or 4G device. 

Do extreme temperatures affect phone signal?

We’ll start with temperature as we’ve been enjoying such hot weather recently! Generally speaking, extremes of hot or cold weather on their own shouldn’t affect your mobile reception. 

You disagree? If you are experiencing issues with your 4G reception during extreme heat or very cold temperatures, it’s more likely to be due to what’s going on in the air and how the humidity is changing. 

Can rain affect my mobile phone reception? 

Rain is the weather that is most likely to negatively affect your 4G signal. In a rainstorm, the density o the water vapour in the air is highest – The heavier the rain, the more likely your 4G will be affected. 

Water vaoour in the air can also absorb the energy from the radio waves, reducing the reception your mobile phone can achieve. 

Can thunderstorms and lightning interfere with my 4G?

We’ve covered rain above, but actually thunderstorms even without heavy rain can cause real issues for mobile phone coverage. Because the lightning causes electrical interference, your 4G can struggle. 

Of course, lightning can also strike causing damage to cell towers and other network equipment which would obviously cause disruption to your local mobile network service. 

Does snow and hail make my mobile signal worse? 

You might think that snow or hail would be worse than rain, but generally it’s actually not as bad for phone reception. Snow flakes and hail stones are less dense than rain, so have less of an effect on mobile coverage. However, if we were to have very heavy snow, it can refract the radio waves and cause them to change direction which would cause problems with mobile signal and 4G. 

Does fog and cloud affect mobile phone signal? 

Whilst not as effective as rain at disrupting 4G signal, fog and cloud can still cause issues for mobile coverage because of the water vapour in the air. They still have the ability to cause localised problems with mobile reception by scattering radio waves. 

Can wind disrupt mobile phone signal? 

Just as with temperature, wind is unlikely to cause mobile coverage problems just as itself and shouldn’t affect your mobile signal if it’s unaccompanied by other weather. 

When it starts to cause problems for 4G signal is when the wind is joined by rain, snow or hail. Of course, with very high winds there is also the possibility of blowing down or damaging mobile network equipment and power lines, which could disrupt the service you get on your mobile. 

Is there anything I can do when the weather gives me poor mobile signal? 

There isn’t a great deal you can do if the weather is affecting your 4G signal and causing mobile coverage issues. You may find that a mobile phone signal booster could provide some reduction in disruption of mobile phone coverage due to poor weather conditions. 

A mobile phone signal booster works by taking the existing mobile signal and amplifying it, giving you better call quality, faster data and a more reliable signal for your phone or home. 

If you rely on your phone for work or use 4G broadband in your home, then this could be a good option for you to help ensure better coverage in bad weather. 

If the odd spot of bad weather isn’t going to cause you too much trouble by disrupting mobile coverage for a short while then you can probably grin and bear it – Ride out the storm! 

Is Bluetooth Interfering with my Wi-Fi?

Do you use Bluetooth and Wi-Fi at the same time? Whether you’re at work, home – Or working from home! – you might find that you’re connected to both Wi-Fi and Bluetooth via various devices. 

And if this is the case, it’s probably common for these connections to fight with each other and cause you to run into connectivity issues. Why, we hear you ask? Surely they are completely different from each other? Actually, they’re not. They have a lot more similarities that you might have thought. 

There are instances where Wi-Fi and Bluetooth can use the same radio frequency range for data transfer, meaning that Bluetooth could interfere with your Wi-Fi. 

If you’re experiencing wobbly Wi-Fi or a Bluetooth connection that keeps dropping out then we feel your pain – There is nothing more frustrating. Not only that, but it isn’t very productive, is it? If you’re having to continually reconnect your Bluetooth device to make it work then you could indeed be struggling with interference between that connection and the Wi-Fi. 

Why can Bluetooth interfere with my Wi-Fi?

When it comes to understanding how Bluetooth and Wi-Fi can transmit data and interact with each other, you need to know a bit about frequency bands. 

Telecommunication and other applications depend on a series of electromagnetic frequencies in the Radio Spectrum. Each range of frequencies, or bands, are used for specific purposes. Some of the main frequency bands that you may have heard of are:

  • Marine Band which is used for ships communicating outside of the range of the shore. 
  • Citizen’s Band which is public radio frequency, known as CB and most commonly used by truckers. 
  • Broadcasting Band like AM and FM, multiple bands that are used to broadbcast radio signals 

So which do Bluetooth and Wi-Fi come under? Well, they are on Industrial Scientific Medical bands, or ISM. The home of radio telecommunications. One of these, which you will likely have heard of, is the 2.4GHz frequency band and is commonly used for network connectivity.  

This spectrum is occupied by both Bluetooth and Wi-Fi 2.4GHz, which means that things on this band can get a bit over-crowded and thus cause electromagnetic interference. How do you know when this happens? Well, you might notice some of the following things on your connected devices:

  • Audio connections via Bluetooth cutting in and out
  • Pages that are slow to load, or don’t load at all
  • Your device telling you that there is an issue on your network

A connection as unreliable as this causes nothing but frustration – What you need is for your device to be able to communicate properly with the network. Unfortunately, these problems can be common when a frequency band is over-crowded and causing interference between devices and networks.

This is why we use ISM bands for telecommunication – The traditional radio frequencies were too populated. What you might not know, however, is that ISM bands were originally to transfer heat, not data! Hence why your microwave can cause interference issues with your Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. They use the same technology, but radio waves at a different frequency. That’s why you are always told to not put your router or devices anywhere near your microwave! In fact, any device that gives off electromagnetic frequency could cause interference with your home network and lead to Wi-Fi issues. 

If you’re struggling with slow signal strength, an unreliable signal that cuts in and out, Bluetooth audio problems or a lag between Bluetooth devices (e.g. keyboards or mouse) then you could be experiencing interference issues. 

But is there anything you can do about the interference between Bluetooth and Wi-Fi?

Ways to Reduce Interference Between Bluetooth and Wi-Fi

If you think that your Wi-Fi or Bluetooth problems are down to interference then you’ll be pleased to know that there are a few straightforward things you can do to try and resolve the issues. One simple tweak could make a big difference! 

  1. Try connecting to a Lower Traffic Router Network

    If you have a modern router, then it should have the option to operate on different channels, for example 2.4GHx and 5GHz. If you have this option, then try changing the channel on the router that you’re connected to. This should hopefully help to relieve any network congestion.

    There’s unfortunately not an awful lot you can do if the interference is coming from outside your home, which is more common in densely populated areas like blocks of flats. You can see how dense your area is by looking at how many networks there are in the list when you try to connect.

    Thankfully, as we said above, modern routers are trying to combat this problem by having the option to use a higher frequency band. Dual band routers are particularly useful for this.
  2. Keep up-to-date with software updates

    Modern devices compatible with Bluetooth will mostly have the ability to hop along the channels in the 2.4GHz bands, known as frequency hopping. This helps to alleviate any issues caused by interference. In order for your Bluetooth device to be able to do this, you need to make sure you have stayed up to date with software updates.

On the 2.4Ghz band, some routers can transmit on multiple channels. Couple this with the ability for newer Bluetooth devices to frequency hop and you’re unlikely to struggle with interference between Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. Any interference issues could then be down to physical barriers rather than frequency interference.

  1. Can you remove any physical barriers?

    You may or may not be aware that different materials can affect your signal differently; some will completely block it. If you have lots of glass, concrete, brick or walls in general then this can cause the signal to get weaker, thus affecting your connectivity. Keep this in mind when you place your router somewhere – Behind a concrete wall or in a solid wooden cabinet are not ideal places! You’ll be surprised where our Wi-Fi experts have found routers…

    If you are using the 5GHz frequency band, then you need to be as close to your router as possible, with little physical barriers. Operating on a higher frequency means you are more susceptible to material interference.
  2. Can you get closer to the router?

    If certain materials are weakening your connection and you can’t easily remove that barriers, perhaps you can move either your router so it’s better located, or you and your device so you are closer to the router.
  3. Forget all your networks

    If the above solutions haven’t worked, then you might need to try forgetting all your networks on all your Wi-Fi and Bluetooth devices, unpair everything and then re-connect and re-pair. Yes, it’s a bit of a faff, but it can help remove old connections that are no longer needed that are crowding the network and causing interference problems. 

Still having problems? Call the Experts

If you’ve tried the above ideas and you’re still struggling with an unreliable connection, dodgy audio and/or slow internet then it could be time to call in the experts and get the fault diagnosed. 

Our Wi-Fi experts work out of Hampshire, London and Cardiff and can help solve your Wi-Fi woes and get you a more reliable connection. You can contact us here. You don’t have to put up with rubbish Wi-Fi! 

You can also read more about Wi-Fi interference on our previous blogs.  

Broadband Top of Wish List for House Buyers 

In a recent survey carried out on house buyers, it was revealed that 20% would not buy a property if it had slow internet speeds. 

Likewise, a house having super-fast internet is often a deal-breaker when it comes to house hunting with many prospective buyers viewing the Wi-Fi connection more important than the number of bedrooms. 

Whilst the size of a property is still the most important thing to most house buyers, for many house hunters that is the only thing that the quality and speed of the internet comes second best to. And, according to estate agents in Scotland and the Southwest, some prospective house buyers value the availability of high-quality broadband above everything else. Even house size. 

Nearly a third of estate agents surveyed said their clients were least likely to compromise on high-quality broadband. This feature was deemed more important than local amenities or above space! 

According to Ofcom, by the end of 2021 full-fibre broadband was available to 8.2 million homes (28%). This was 3 million more premises (10 percentage points) than a year ago, and represents the highest year-on-year increase since full fibre started being rolled out in the UK.

Does availability of Wi-Fi affect house prices? 

The rollout of this internet upgrade seems to be affecting the price of property. When comparing exactly the same house but one with a broadband connection of 300 Mbps and one without, the one without broadband would be worth around £5K less. 

Unsurprisingly, COVID also seems to have had an effect on this. Suddenly the UK population was plunged into home-working, with so many more households relying on a strong, reliable Wi-Fi connection for work and home-learning. 

Nearly three quarters of agents surveyed said they saw an increase in questions specifically regarding the quality and speed of the broadband connection when considering a property since the pandemic. 

SpeedScore from Geekabit Wi-Fi Experts

With a decade of providing connectivity solutions to UK markets, Geekabit saw how house buyers, tenants and hospitality customers are getting more tech savvy and starting to ask questions about internet speeds and reliability.

Thus, back in October last year, we launched our innovative Internet Connectivity Measurement Platform – Geekabit SpeedScore. 

This gives you a variety of tools to help provide an independent certification of your internet speeds and connectivity. Ideal if you’re an estate agent trying to prove the speed and connectivity of a property’s internet! 

You can read more about SpeedScore here

Average Internet Speeds Double in 4 Years for Home Networks  

Recently released figures show that home broadband has evolved rapidly over the last 4 years. Between 2018 and 2021 home networking speeds increased by 108%, with the number of connected devices within the home also jumping 137% between 2015 and 2021. 

What devices consume the most data per month within the home? 

With the increase in the number of connected devices in our homes increasing so much over the past few years, let’s take a look at which ones consume the most data. 

Whilst at home, the device that consumes the most data is our Smartphones at 96.3 GB per month. Next were Streaming TV’s and Set-top boxes (like Apple TV or Fire) at 78.3 GB and 63.3 GB per month respectively. Games consoles and laptops were also in the top 5, consuming 35.7 GB and 30.3 GB per month. 

Growth of Home Networks

The figures released indicated that there was an increase in traffic as well as the number of connected devices. A span of 35 million homes saw connections of 1.3 billion Wi-Fi devices.

The speed of home broadband has also increased from an average of 152 Mbps to 317 Mbps – That’s an increase of 108% between 2018 and the end of last year. 

IoT devices has more than tripled alongside the doubling of the number of overall connected devices. Between 2015 and 2021, these devices increased by 137%. 

Unsurprisingly, it’s smartphones that consume the most data within our homes, followed by streaming TV’s and set-top boxes.  

Faster, Smarter Home Networks

Everything in the Wi-Fi industry moves fast. Only last week we were talking about Wi-Fi 7, and we’ve barely got our hands on Wi-Fi 6 yet! 

There’s been rapid growth in Smart Home devices, which makes the increase in connected devices unsurprising. Manufacturers are always looking to make their devices faster and smarter in the way that they work. 

Consumers are expecting a home network that serves their need for immediate, secure and reliable connectivity – with the devices to match.  

How Much Does It Cost to Have Ethernet Cables Installed in my Home Office?

Are you a regular remote worker working from the comfort of your own home, relying on your Wi-Fi connection for Zoom meetings and video conferencing? Or do you mostly use your home internet for a Netflix binge to unwind after a long day? 

Either way, having your connection buffer is not what you need – Whether it’s that all-important Zoom call or half way through the last epic episode of Stranger Things. 

You need a fast, reliable connection. If this is something you are struggling with in your home office then installing Ethernet cables could help. 

Our Wi-Fi experts can design a network to suit your home and requirements and implement it, giving you the strongest, most reliable Wi-Fi connection possible for your house. 

Why can home networks struggle with Wi-Fi connections?

Where home networks tend to struggle is when the wireless connection doesn’t reach every part of the house. Not great if your home office happens to be in one of those black spots! Homes that are particularly large tend to struggle the most. 

If your router is downstairs, most commonly next to the telephone or television, then it might struggle to reach your home office if it’s a floor or two up or out in the garden. The noise of family life might not reach you – But neither will your internet connection! That distance could be slowing you down. 

It’s not just larger homes that struggle. Even some smaller houses can get Wi-Fi blackspots, particularly if they use modern foil insulation. 

What can you do about slow internet at home?

The frustratingly slow internet connections you get from Wi-Fi black spots at home can fortunately be combated with Ethernet cables. 

All we hear about when it comes to Wi-Fi is wireless, wireless, wireless. Everything nowadays seems to be wireless! But in situations where you need to stream lots of videos, transfer data or utilise video conferencing, there could be a better way.

Hang on a minute, what is this blasphemy against wireless? Well, Ethernet cables. If your Wi-Fi is struggling to reach your home office, and you’re relying on it for video calls and data transfers then Ethernet cables are going to be your friend. 

If you’re wondering whether or not you should opt for Ethernet cables over wireless then you might find this previous blog of ours a helpful read.   

With the current heatwave we’re experiencing in Hampshire, London and all across the South East of England currently then we wouldn’t blame you for trying to soak up some sunshine whilst working! If you are wanting a reliable internet connection in your outdoor home office or out in the garden for working from home, then running an Ethernet cable would be our first suggestion. 

There are different types of Ethernet cables – Cat5, Cat5e, Cat6 and Cat7. You can read more about the types of Ethernet cables in our previous blog here as well as a comparison between Cat6 and Cat 7 here. The main things to know are:

  • Cat5: A bit older and slower
  • Cat5e: Faster and with less interference
  • Cat6: Even faster, but not always completely necessary
  • Cat7: Faster again with higher frequency and bandwidth

The blogs linked above go into more detail and how to choose the best one for your needs. Or you could just leave it to the Wi-Fi experts, couldn’t you?

How much will it cost to install Ethernet cables in my home office?

Every home is different, so the requirements to ensure a strong internet connection will vary slightly house to house. 

When it comes to a home network there are various things to consider that will affect the network design and total cost:

  • Whether the network is wireless or wired
  • Cable installation
  • Access to the internet
  • Configuration
  • Hardware installation
  • Software installation 

Once all of this is installed and configured, you should find that your connection is faster and more reliable – No more buffering mid Zoom conversation!

Price wise you are likely looking at between approximately £200 and £500. The lower end of the price range would be for installing an extra Ethernet port in an internal home office, with the higher price point for cabling from the home to an outside home office. 

Of course, as we said above, the price will depend on individual requirements as well as the size of your home and easy it would be to wire. 

At the end of the day, installing Ethernet cables for your home office will likely improve how reliable your internet connection is. And if slow internet is causing you daily frustration then resolving the issue with the cost of installing Ethernet cables will be so worth it, won’t it?

Get in touch with our Wi-Fi Experts

If you are wondering whether Ethernet cables could help solve your Wi-Fi woes and get reliable internet into your home office then do get in touch with our Wi-Fi experts here at Geekabit. We can help advise what would work best for you and get a network designed and installed for your individual needs. You get in touch on 0203 322 2443 (London), 01962 657 390 (Hampshire) or 02920 676712 (Cardiff).

Wi-Fi 7 – World’s First Router Released

It feels like we’ve only recently been talking about Wi-Fi 6 being new on the internet scene, when up pops Wi-Fi 7! But actually, you might not know that the Wi-Fi 7 chipset infrastructure has actually already been available for a few months. 

Not only that, but last month we also saw the release of the world’s first Wi-Fi 7 router. Powered by Qualcomm, this router is the H3C Magic BE18000 Tri-band Wi-Fi 7 router. 

There’s not a great deal of information available yet as it’s so new, but look out for more from the China-based network technology vendor H3C for more announcements. 

This new Wi-Fi 7 router can purportedly deliver 18.443 Gbps peak data rate (which explains the BE 18000 in the name..) on 3 bands. 

What features will this new Wi-Fi 7 router support?

Due to it being powered by Qualcomm’s Networking Pro 1220 platform, the H3C Wi-Fi 7 router can support all the Wi-Fi 7 features you would expect it to, including:

  • 320 MHz channels
  • 4kQAM modulation
  • MLO

As the unit is tri-band, it is configured for 4×4 MU-MIMO on each of the 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz, and 6 GHz bands.

When will we see Wi-Fi 7 devices available on the market?

During May, Qualcomm as well as another 2 major chipset vendors introduced their offering of Wi-Fi 7 chipsets for both the device side and network side. 

As the prevalence of Wi-Fi 7 platforms increases, we’re likely to then start seeing Wi-Fi 7 devices appear on the market. We could be seeing Wi-Fi 7 enabled phones and laptops as early as the end of this year or early next year! 

We wouldn’t be surprised if the most influential technology event in the world, CES, will see the launch of the first Wi-Fi 7 device in 2023. 

Is Wi-Fi 7 certified by the Wi-Fi Alliance?

Before we get too carried away with all things Wi-Fi 7, it’s important to note that there is not currently any Wi-Fi 7 certification from the Wi-Fi Alliance. This means that even though the H3C Wi-Fi 7 router has been revealed, it cannot yet be certified as Wi-Fi 7. 

So technically, it’s more accurate for us to say that the H3C Wi-Fi 7 router has been designed in line with the standard IEEE 802.11be. 

But being the Wi-Fi geeks that we are – We are still pretty excited at the prospect of Wi-Fi 7 and a router that likely meets the upcoming features and specifications. 

Watch this space! 

Image from https://www.h3c.com/en/Products_Technology/Enterprise_Products/IntelligentTerminalProducts/Magic/BE18000/

How Can I Accurately Check My Mobile Signal Strength? 

Did you know that there is much more to mobile signal strength than just the signal bar display? The real test for measuring your mobile signal strength accurately is the Field Test Mode. The results from this test can help you determine whether you might need a mobile signal booster. 

There are many factors that can affect your mobile signal strength, for example, whether you are inside or outside a building, how far you are from the cell tower etc. So let’s look at the Field Test Mode and how to use it. 

Signal Strength: How To Choose a Mobile Signal Booster

You can’t choose a mobile signal booster for your home or business if you don’t know how strong the outside signal is. And we don’t just mean ‘how many bars you’ve got.’ Yes, that gives some indication of how strong the signal is, but there is a more accurate way to measure mobile signal strength. 

Did you know that different phones have different numbers of bars? Some have 5, some have 4, some even have 8! Not only this, but even when phones have the same number of bars for signal strength, there isn’t actually any standardisation for them. Having 4 bars of signal on one phone can mean something different to having 4 bars on another phone. 

It’s pretty clear that measuring mobile signal strength purely by the number of bars isn’t very specific.

When experts measure mobile signal strength, they measure it in decibels. They are very precise and are much more informative and accurate for doing a mobile signal strength test. Testing in this way means you can find out just how strong the signal is that you are receiving. 

What Is Field Test Mode? 

You may not realise that the majority of phones have Field Test Mode – A built-in setting that can show you very useful information about your phone. This includes the signal strength, measured in decibels. 

We can imagine that you’ve already tried to find this on your phone right this second to check it out! We don’t blame you. But let’s just go through a couple of things to consider before you start taking mobile signal strength readings.

  • Carrier – Remember that the signal strength readings you take are only true for the mobile carrier of said phone. To compare the signal strength to other carriers, you would need phones on those carriers. Basically, even if you get 4 different service providers, you can only test the signal strength of the carrier of your phone when in Field Test Mode. 
  • Network – You need to know if the signal you are measuring is from an LTE network or not in order to interpret the results. LTE readings can be read differently from previous generation networks (like 2G, 3G and 4G0. 

How do you use Field Test Mode on an iPhone?

If you have an iPhone, you’ll find that it has a hidden built-in Field Test Mode app. Follow these steps to access it:

  1. Go to Settings > Wi-Fi and turn Wi-Fi Off.
    You will need the Wi-Fi to be turned off in order to be able to see the network you are connected to (e.g. 3G). 
  2. For iOS 9.3 and above: Go into Settings > Cellular > Cellular Data Options > Enable LTE and turn LTE to Off.
    For iOS 9.2 and below: Go into Settings > Cellular > Enable LTE and turn LTE to Off.
    As we said above, LTE readings can be very different from previous networks. In order to be able to best interpret the results, it’s ideal to get your signal readings from a previous generation network.
    If you like, you could then repeat the site survey with LTE enabled, which would give you readings for different generation networks. 
  3. To launch the Field Test Mode app, go to your Phone Keypad, dial *3001#12345#* and press the Call button. You’ll notice that where before you had signal bars, you now have a negative number. This negative number is the decibel signal strength reading. You should also see the carrier name and the type of network.  
  4. Tap on LTE
  5. Tap on “Serving Cell Meas”
  6. Look for “rsrp0” and the number corresponding will be the numerical measurement of the iPhone cellular signal strength in dBm

To start taking signal strength readings, you need to move to the location where you want to take the reading and then wait for between 30 and 60 seconds for the signal strength readings to catch up. You can record the signal strength, network type and carrier. 

Once you’ve finished taking readings, you can return to your normal iPhone settings by pressing the home button. Don’t forget to go back in and enable Wi-Fi and Cellular LTE! 

How do you use Field Test Mode on an Android?

To access Field Test Mode on an Android follow these simple steps:

  • Go to Settings > “About Phone”
  • Depending on the model of your phone, look for ‘Network’ or ‘Status’ to see your numerical signal strength in decibel 
  • You can usually see Network Type near the signal strength option. 

If you’re after a bit more information, there are apps you can download from Google Pay that will give you the signal strength in decibels as well as other info. To see the available apps search for ‘cell signal’ in the App Store. DOwnload whichever one is compatible with your phone, tablet or device. 

Just like with an iPhone, get ready to take signal readings by moving to the location you want to know the signal strength for. Stop and wait for between 30 and 60 seconds to let the signal readings catch up with you and then you can record them along with the network type (2G, 3G, 4G, LTE etc). 

Keep doing this until you have recorded the signal strength for all the locations in your home or business. 

What would I use mobile signal strength information for? 

Knowing the mobile signal strength for your living or working space enables you to see where you might need to boost the signal. Using Field Test Mode can enable you to perform a site survey, which gives you a floor plan analysis of your home or business.

The purchase of mobile signal boosters (also known as network repeaters, signal amplifiers, signal repeaters etc) should be based on the results of a site survey. 

Carrying out a site survey involves taking several accurate signal strength readings from in and around your home or office building. These readings can help you to calculate whether a signal booster will help and what devices you will need. 

Field Test Mode is ideal for carrying out a site survey. Basing it on signal bars is not reliable compared to the precise numerical value of decibel you get from this tool. Carrying out a site survey using Field Test Mode is very straightforward (as you will have seen from the steps above) and helps you to measure the mobile signal strength of your home or business using just your phone. 

What do the Decibel numbers mean? 

If you are connected to a non-LTE network (2G, 3G, 4G H+), the value you get is the Received SIgnal Strength Indicator (RSSI). This is a method of measuring wireless signals. 

LTE networks however, are usually measured in Reference SIgnal Received Power (RSRP) which is why LTE readings can be very different to the readings for previous generations like above. 

You’ll find that Decibel signal strengths are usually double or triple digits and are marked as a negative number. Your phone might not show the negative sign though. The stronger the signal, the closer the number is to zero, so -89 is a stronger signal that -99. 

The unit of measurement in all this is decibel (dB) – This measures the power of the mobile signal. This value is telling you how strong your phone is receiving the signal from your provider’s mobile network. 

Did you know that the Decibel scale is not linear? If the signal strength increases by 3dB, then it is twice as strong. Signal strength that increases by 10 dB is an increase of ten times the signal strength. So, in real terms, an RSSI value of -50 is actually ten times stronger than an RSSI measurement of -60. 

Why is Field Test Mode so Important?

If you are planning to install a mobile phone signal booster, then it’s absolutely vital that you have an accurate reading of your Received Signal Strength across your business or home. Field Test Mode can help you do just this and inform your site survey ready to help you make the right booster purchase. 

Field Test Mode enables you to see exactly how strong your mobile signal strength is – Both inside and outside your building. 

Field Test Mode is an essential tool when it comes to assessing how a mobile signal booster can improve your reception.

Call the Experts

If all this has got your head in a bit of a spin, then why not let the experts do it for you? Our Wi-Fi Experts are trained professionals in all things wireless. We can provide you with a site survey to help assess your mobile signal strength. Give us a call today